What Do You Hope To See In Shadowlands?

You don’t, really. Legacy loot drops the amount for a full group for a single person if you are soloing. Non-legacy drops the amount for a single person for a single person.

So basically on Mythic mode you get 20 times more loot on Legacy Mode if you’re soloing.

A game where I lose myself being totally immersed into it. They now have several expansions to look back on what went well and what did not.

Also, i’d like to see Arthas Menethil.

I was doing EN on my Druid for the quests for the skips ya know, I certainly didn’t get any loot from the first boss. I think you may have misunderstood what I meant. I mean that there isn’t a 100% chance for loot to drop off the bosses like there is with WoD raid bosses. Once Legion becomes eligible for legacy raid loot (as it SHOULD if there were no squish) then every time you kill a boss you’ll get the same amount of loot as if it were a full raid.

So no for now I’ll do WoD raids and wait until Shaddylands for legion :smiley:

I guess Varian is in some sort of heaven. I mean, Anduin saw him in a place similar to Odyn’s place.

It would be interesting if Varian somehow escaped that fate.

I want to see Elune empowered Tyrande making Sylvanas run like Nathanos did.