What Do You Hope To See In Shadowlands?

I would hope to see no Demon Hunters before, during or after Shadowlands, but I guess neither one of us will get what we hope for lol

Ysera, so I can apologise for killing her and making my new dragon skin boots and bag out of her.

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Player housing.

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you can solo legion raids now

A spec they just don’t give up on and never do nothing all expansion after i pay for it and FOR ONCE FIX ENHANCE SQUISHINESS!!!

Kael’thas there and if anyone tries to mention “merely a setback” he just loudly goes “SHUT.UP.”

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I’d like to see some other players in the expansion, does Blizzard have any more of those?

I hope to see BFA 2.0 .

I hope Warlocks (especially Mortis) will be given the ability to control Demon Hunters and have them as pets. After all, they have demonic blood? Think of the fun!



I still have memories of going “WELL EXCUSE YOU ILLIDAN” after he went “Marius and his PET WARLOCK” during a quest intro lol


I hope I see many old faces and deaths embrace shadowing them.

I said the same thing except for the word “excuse”. I said another word.


a raid boss who is a giant pickle

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And get ~0 loot and have it take 40 years? Pass.

I hope the streamline leveling is what they say. I have like 3 toons and would like to level something different, but it takes forevah…T.T As I am not able to play as I use to.

Less RNG, PvP vendors returned. No more McGuffins to level up that are thrown away at the end of an expansion.

I would love to find a 2 handed hammer like the one Bolvar fails to squish Sylvanas with.

I am fond of maces.


We finally defeat the jailor and we discover theyre wearing a disguise we rip the mask off and exclaim “old lady mankrik” then as theyre dragged away they mutter something about a meddling hunter and a canine but my orc is rusty so i cant translate properly

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Blizz actually listening to the players, and fixing a lot of the problems some if not most classes have in some way shape or form.

you get same loot and it takes about 15 seconds per boss