What Do You Hope To See In Shadowlands?

I hope there’s a scene in the Maw where you find Varian and Saurfang surrounded by hundreds of corpses of the Jailor’s monsters, bored out of their minds going “one, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war”.


Pamela Redpath giggling and playing with a bunny in Ardenweld.


Oh my god yes. I did that quest before they streamlined it in Cata and it’s still probably my favorite questline in all of WoW. I’m down for them giving a nod to that.

I just want to capture one of those Owl people for my own.

I DO LOVE it. :heart_eyes:
And maybe the scene that Varian meeting his son and saying “You’re doing good.”
That would help our exhausted King a lot. :sob:

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I hope to see:

-I can still solo everything that I can solo now
-I can solo what I would have been able to solo had there not been a level squish (Legion raids)
-That Herald of the Titans is still possible to do and the squish didn’t mess it up
-That the squish didn’t mess anything else up that I’m not thinking of
-That there aren’t another 90 new mounts
-That Blizz increases the account cap past 50


While I’m here

-Pathfinder isn’t aids
-No aids rep grinds

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You’ll still be able to solo old content and I doubt they’ll increase the account cap.

i can’t have any expectations about blizzard anymore. Even lowest ones can turn disappointment.


Although not everyone is for, I am actually hoping for an opportunity to see what it’s like to be actually be a faction leader, It must but quite nice having your own place to stay and an army at your command.

Although Faction Leader simulator is very unlikely, I am more eager for exploration. I’ve also had hopes of the Jailer himself being revealed as a powerful shade, it disappointingly turned out he was merely the restless Ghost of a Titan instead.

2 years of fresh tears on the forums

Sylvanas’ head on a spit being paraded about like an Olympic torch.


Good class design and meaningful progression that isn’t entirely thrown out at the end of the expac, as is my characters are going to feel like garbage when I lose my traits and essences

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Varian was a badass. I miss him. Maybe bring Tiffen also.
I need to see Sauerfang for closure. And his son.
I need to see my girl Ysera.

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At least one poop quest.

A good game.


Unrestricted transmog

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I had hoped to see no Mortis before or during Shadowlands. So much for that happy new year.

Content that doesn’t feel like chores.

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50% of all useless content removed, like the pet battles

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It’d be nice to meet Uther, and learn from him!

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