Visages are necessary and benefit the race fantasy of Dracthyr being dragons which they already fail to a large extent.
Who cares what some small group whines about, Dracthyr have a much stronger case as their visages are actually unique in appearance, although I don’t get being so vehemently against this for worgens either truthfully.
I’m fine with it I just ALSO want to be able to fight in dragony form and have transmog show. Maybe non-evokers can be wingless and just sprout ghostly magic wings when Soaring. Or something.
So to me a key difference is the Visage form is its own unique model (okay it’s built on the human female and male blood elf frames but stay with me) with its own customization options like scales, draconic eyes, horns, unique hairstyles etc.
But Worgen human form is LITERALLY just human with all the customizations thereof. If a worgen player really does want to spend all day as a human then they should probably play human.
Visages are necessary because they play into a gigantic part of the fantasy of dragons in WoW, while you didn’t suggest removing them it’s necessary to let non-evoker Dracthyr fight in these forms in order to fufill the race fantasy of Dracthyr.
You posted your reason and I disagreed with it which is what people do on the forums lol.
BIG AGREE, but I doubt this will ever happen, I have a sneaking suspicion Blizzard is dedicated to never making another unique player model again that can use transmog because they don’t want to do the work to make all the armor work on them.
Well for that matter there is no difference in blood/void elves in armor either (my GOSH we see that silhouette a lot now).
But I think it’s confirmed that Dracthyr non-evokers can fight in visage form. Unfortunately I think this is more due to visage having all the proper rigging already instead of them being interested in making the dragon form able to do, say, monk moves.
I’d love to be a Dracthyr hunter but I want to stay in form AND have visible transmog. Is that too much to ask? (yes)
Dracthyr are lizard experiments, not dragons. It’s why they didn’t even know they could Visage until taught and why it’s different.
But again, still not saying to remove it entirely.
No it isn’t. They’re Dracthyr. Not dragons.
It’s not “my reason.” It’s factual information as evident by threads made on this forum. You disagree with factual information that Worgen players demanded to fight in human form?
I’d like this. If I can’t, there’s no reason to even make a Dracthyr of another class.
Only if I can hide all slots, including legs. I hate how transmog looks on Dracthyr form. But others want it. Hiding all slots would mean I have the option to not show armor and you can show it all.
They released in the Dragonflight expansion and the whole visage stuff is clearly meant to link them to Dragons, even if what you were saying was true it’s better for Blizz to lean into the fantasy of Dragons over weird anthro scaley dragon experiments nobody ever asked for.
Doesn’t matter, that’s the fantasy that they were created to play into.
Reread my post, I had no idea what you were talking about prior, when I learned my disagreement was about whether or not Blizz should let a miniscule handful of Worgen whiners dictate whether or not they should let Dracthyr fight in their visage form.
I really hope that they aren’t forced into visage form exclusively for combat just because Blizz doesn’t want to do the animations.
We can already hide all slots other than leggings! If you are saying we should be able to hide that too, I agree. The argument is always but then everyone will run around scantily clad but the folks who’d want to do that already do that.
It matters quite a bit. If you want to ignore lore and what Dracthyr are, have fun with that. But Dracthyr aren’t dragons.
Unnecessary. You tried to claim it was “my reason.” It’s not. It’s what actually happened. So we got that cleared up.
Yep. That’s why I said:
But keep in mind, Visage transmog is linked to Dracthyr transmog. I’d have to go naked in Visage to have Dracthyr form not wear armor. So they need to separate the two transmog forms. Which isn’t going to happen. So either way, I get screwed, I guess.
What they actually are is completely irrelevant, if they’re made to play into the dragon fantasy which they were then visages and being able to fight in visages is necessary.
Your reason, or one of your reasons, is that they shouldn’t add combat in visages because it will spur on worgen players to continue to complain, my point was how that’s a pretty stupid reason for Blizzard not to do something.
It isn’t. Your only argument is “they’re dragons and dragons can do it.” They’re not dragons. But now what they are is suddenly irrelevant, because it doesn’t fit your argument.
Thus, this conversation is disingenuous at best and I’m done.
Proof positive that you’re incapable of having a logical conversation. If you cannot understand why the transmogs need separated so Dracthyr form can transmog as they like and Visage form can transmog as they like, without the worry of what looks good on both simultaneously… then go play a Dracthyr and learn how they work before trying to argue about what you clearly don’t understand.