What do you guys think of Dracthyr visage form during combat for non-evoker Dracthyr

It’s been more or less confirmed so I’m curious what you guys think? I feel like if I asked for this everyone would laugh in my face and tell me to kick rocks, and that having combat in visage form would basically destroy the race-fantasy of Dracthyr, of course this is could be wrong and everyone could have loved the idea.

Also since we have that can we have the visual effect for entropic embrace toggleable as well?

Fyrakk does it, so why not.

Their racial CC moves would prob force a transform but that’s the only real reason to change forms.


That’s fine. You’ll get kicked into visage whenever you tail whip or use your wings for knockback or hover (if non evokers have that).


I think I would play a dracthyr if they could keep their visage form in all combat. The way they look in their dragonkin form is utterly ridiculous. The devs new this too and didn’t even bother making 90% of the armor visible on them which says a lot.


Heck, I will Ai-Li Skymirror myself so I can be in Visage form on my Evoker during combat. If you can’t show off the mog while doing big dam what is even the point?

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They’re probably going to need to rework those abilities for non-evoker dracthyr

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Idk how cause if you use your tail it kicks ya out. Now if it kicks you out then kicks you back in that’s probably what it would do.

I think visage was a colossal mistake period.


It’s fine, I’m gonna play most of my Dracthyr as they were intended, dragons baby. But a rogue in visage form is like a double layer of stealth and shock, and that would be fun for me.

Plus I do like the visage form, they’re unique, just not as much as playing a dragon.


I love my dracthyr! I like how she looks inside and out of visage form. To me the same fantasy remains no matter if they make the visage form easier to stay in longer if your playing a different class.

Just as long as we can toggle at our free will, we are still the same dracthyr we were when we woke up in our creche.

Honestly I like the idea of the dracthyr sort of breaking out of their bonds and discovering who they are and what they like. So if my dracthyr enjoys appearing as a visage form then so be it :blush:

I don’t believe it’s bothering anything.

why play a dracthyr if you don’t want to play a dracthyr?


I think it defeats the point of being a dracthyr :woman_shrugging: .

But personally, I do not have a problem seeing less of such a bizarre-looking race.

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I still don’t get why the incarnates used a visage in the first place.

Who are they trying to look less intimidating for?

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Visage form is part of being one.

Think about the dragons we know today. Most of them are more recognizable as their visages. Lol

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but why not just play a elf/human if you’re not going to use the dracthyr form?


I don’t get it either.

It’s like people who play a worgen but don’t want to play a worgen.

Just play a human for crikey’s sake!

It’s not like it a faction issue for either.


:sweat_smile: I’ll be playing as my dracthyr and visage so I’ll probably always use both forms.

For others I guess It could be racial or the voices when we are in combat or anything else I’m not sure. The lore is nice, having the option to turn into a dragon or a werewolf all of sudden does add an extra element to the character in the game.

I dunno. I enjoy this character a lot. Pretty excited for the new class options for these guys.

While i’m often stubborn, I can see the Dracthyr stand out even in Visage Form. :robot::+1:

So long as they don’t try to force it on worgens as well I’m fine with it for Dracthyr long as we get more race options for the visage.

That’s the thing as the wing gust and tail swipe are touched on in the evoker talent trees so to let all dracthyr have those outside of being evoker they’ll need to remove them from being invovled with Evoker talent trees. I don’t think Hover is a racial though as it seemed like a evoker ability but I’m not 100% sure on that

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One of many missteps with this race.

Such a wasted opportunity.