What do we want? High Elves!

Never said you asked for Void Elves, but you got them so you have a Thalassian Elf race on your side of the table. Play them or don’t, that’s your decision. But you have the race you want, just not the ‘pure’ version you all seem to fantasize about. As far as intergrated, you have Silver Covenant, a bunch of holier than thou traitors to their own people as NPC’s and some random ones thrown in for a bit of flavor in Dal and a few other remote areas. That doesn’t make them different enough to justify taking basically a paler, blue eyed carbon copy of the Blood Elves. At least Alliance got a version of Blood Elf that is different enough not to be a carbon copy.


That race left the Alliance of Lordaeron after the 2nd war . It has never been an official member of the Grand Alliance of Stormwind . Most of the ones that consider themselves part of the Alliance are in Dalaran and are either Kirin Tor or Silver Sentinels.

Plus they already gave the Alliance there version of high elves with Void Elves and I for one am fine with mine.


Go play horde and mention void elf. They will get their feather ruffled. Most feel alliance developers stolen a variety of blood elf. If you did the intro. They kind of did with several unusually statements made by otherwise rational leaders.

Generally speaking, I have only seen high elves on alliance side as neutral advisors. Could careless if got them. They were at least outcast. It would be intresting. The few I ran in to have an attitudide “I do not care” toward alliance and horde. They seem like they out for themselves. Which I find intresting,

Throw those lemons right back in life’s stupid face! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hmm those pesky Highval, and Theramore Quel’dorei they dont count huh.


That or make lemonade and make a profit.

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Void Elves wanted to come to the Horde. They came before the Blood Elven leadership and asked to be taken in. They rejected the Void Elves because the magic was “taboo.” Even though the HIgh Elves have turned magic use into a drug habit and have gone to extreme lengths…but no…forbid a bit of dabbling in the Void and people lose their minds. Ironic how the Alliance excepted the Void Elves though.

I said most and more then likely because of Jaina’s ties to Dalaran where she was once a student , most likely the High Elves at Theramore are more then likely Kirin Tor.

  1. You can mute threads, let’s start using will power like regular adults, k?

  2. If you can get our Blue moon elves and also have pasty white red elves, than it’s fair for us to ask for pasty white blue elves as well, since as it stands, there’s an imbalance in the type of “elf” between factions.


Or… demand tangelos. The King of all Citrus!

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Some players prefer good, wholesome, blue-eyed elves, not their evil, fel-addicted counterparts. #makeAlliancegreatagain


I’ve got a better idea, delete all Elves, all the wars and invasions are mostly their fault anyway.

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Blood elves are not high elves anymore


You have Night Elves and Void Elves (1 Kaldorei and 1 Thalassian type elf), the Horde has the Sin’dorei and the Nightborne (again 1 Thalassian type, 1 Kaldorei type). So you have one of each and we do. Oh wait, you should get a third too? Two Thalassian types? Right.


They’re already here. We just want to make the High Elves playable. There’s no faction identity to blur when we already have them. They’ve been with the Alliance since Vanilla.


I just wish they gave Blood Elves the blue-eyes option to shut down these spam high-elf threads once and for all.


That’s your opinion then, Heres mine since the horde is the most deadliest thing to Quel’dorei since the scourge, I doubt any Quel’dorei would go anywhere near the horde, As for the Silver Covenant, since the horde killed Veressa’s husband Rhonin, doubt she will trust the horde anytime soon either. See you Sin’dorei players want to say they all the same people, at the same time they sit back and watch the horde kill off the Quel’dorei.


You can’t stop them, you can only hope to contain them.

But then they go and get heated, and do stupid things like insulting people for disagreeing with them and get the containment thread locked again…


You have 1 fair skinned and 1 blueberry.

We have 2 Blueberry. See the imbalance there? Or is it only unfair if the Alliance actually gains something they’ve wanted for once?

Also years and expansions of lore backing Alliance High Elves, but you know, guess that’s not enough :man_shrugging:


not more then 4 days ago senior narrative designer steve danuser, responded to a tweet about blue eyed blood elf NPCs. coupled with ions hints(contact lenses in the future, eye color customization) shouldnt be much longer. but what almost certainly wont happen is making a core race neutral because a few exist in the other faction