What do we want? High Elves!

Imagine congregating people with the objective of preventing other people to get one small thing they like in the game.

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I tried that and the anti Quel’dorei people still treated me like garbage so I learned the truth of the world. Treat people the way they treat you.

Or imagine that…

You only have friends who agree with everything you believe and share every desire you have?

Ely and I are on opposite sides of this debate - and if there are “forum friends” she certainly is one as far as I’m concerned.

“I don’t think playable High Elves in the Alliance should happen.” is not a personally directed “I don’t want you to have this thing you want.”


Really petty isn’t it.

You don’t realize the same could be flipped for your views too do you? People have reasons and you dismissing them as invalid only leads to yours being equally dismissed. The fact that their is significant pushback on this and not basically people going WOOOO Vulpera! Should be a sign.


I dont know you, and youve never reached out to me…so…

This is the kinda reasoning i cant get behind. You don’t just “try” and when you meet resistance give up.

There ship has sailed on me caring.

Don’t care about vulpera this is about Quel’dorei.

The best way is to press on, and throw your ideas into the mix. If people are genuinely being jerks, ignore them, it’s what is best.

It’s like you think we’re some cabal of ghouls.

:woman_shrugging: We started the Discord because a few of us got to know each other as a result of the thread but because we’re all from different servers and with all the shutdowns we decided to make a place where we could chat.

80% of what we post about is the mocking of cringy posts like this one guy before who told me he thought that Blizzard wanted Alliance players dead.


You didn’t even read the context of what i said. You’re response doesn’t even make sense.

Too late for that. I don’t care to try anymore.

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