What do we want? High Elves!

youre cut off from ever viewing the lotr trilogy again

What about the High Elves in the Hinterlands? Or the High Elf mages in the Mage Quarter from Classic onwards? Or the Allerian Stronghold. There are plenty of Thalassian elves that still pledge allegiance to the Alliance even after the Blood Elves have left.


Blood Elves are High Elves. They are the past, present and future of the High Elves. They are the only ones that matter as far as High Elves go.

What it seems you want is the traitors to the High Elven people. The ones that chose to be the pets and bedwarmers of Humans over helping their people rebuild.

It’s weird that people claim to be fans of High Elves but then call for the traitors to be playable. But whatever, people still support Garrosh and Sylvanas so I guess it’s not that strange.


The modern High Elves did help their people rebuild, it’s just that the citizens of Quel’thalas weren’t and aren’t their people – the citizenry of Dalaran is. :man_shrugging:

The particular narrative surrounding those “traitors” is what the people requesting them have grown to enjoy – if all they wanted was a Thalassian model, with a narrative centered around Quel’thalas and Silvermoon, they’d be happy with Blood Elves.

Which part is confusing for you?


It is better to live in exile from a nation you were never born in nor ever visited than to side with traitors of the alliance.

For now the mega is back open

My apologies. Sometimes when a high elf support posts in a thread called “What do we want? High Elves!”, among every single other High Elven thread for 95% of their total post count, I sometimes believe when they post something, its about high elves.

I don’t know how I made that wrong implication.

But the point stands.

High Elves are not creative. You state that the creative people are gone. So if anything, that would help you to get high elves now. Shouldn’t it?

Asking for changes to high elves contradicts all known lore concerning them.

Does the lore matter…or does it not matter? Yall keep flip flopping so hard on that issue that its giving me a headache.

It strongly makes me feel the lore doesn’t matter at all, and its merely just a convenient tool to get elves of a specific skin tone on the Alliance.


There’s no real adamance about it, it’s not that I would weep if she weren’t a Void Elf, there’s nothing for me to gain by her being a Void Elf. It’s just akin to a conspiracy theory, it’s not really based on anything aside from her ability to return to a not-blue state.

That… doesn’t change the fact that the helves were still in the Alliance as of Vanilla WoW. Besides, the nelves are more like LOTR elves than the helves are to be honest.


She’s a she’s not a Void Elf, she is unique, one of a kind. You might say she’s a

She did not go through anything like the forced process of unmaking and remaking they did…and although she mentors and helps lead them, she is not one of them.

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As much as I disagree with your opinions, I can say that you’ve actually done a pretty good job as to why they should be a thing. Good job buddy.

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I don’t get it, what is so fascinating about High elves exactly? We already have Blood and Void Elves, a third race that looks exactly the same is a waste of a spot that could be filled by a better AR.


Thank you. As a Wildhammer Fan, I must support my helf allies.

Different people will have different answers. For some people, it’s nostalgia. For others, it’s just looks. For yet more, it could be as simple as wanting an elf Paladin. Others would be interested in different customization options provided through half-elves. And some are no doubt interested in playing the race that has been an active part of Alliance players’ experience since the game launched.

There are a lot of reasons, and if you personally don’t want them or don’t see them as interesting, that’s fine. If you don’t want them its not like any argument made will suddenly fill you with a burning desire for them, after all.

Just keep in mind, this:

Is entirely an opinion. A, ‘better,’ allied race will always be an opinion.


Perhaps, but again, what is so fascinating about a race that we already have 2 versions of? I can understand if the current Elven races were given extra customisations, skin tones, and eye color to match a high elf, but to make High Elf an AR of itself is definitely a waste of a spot.

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Like I said, I don’t think there is an argument that will convince you. That said, helves do have some potential to be different from other elves in ways. While they’d no doubt be blue-eyed, blond haired, and fair skinned, if you add half-elf customizations, they could also be dark-skinned, have fuller and thicker beards, different ear lengths and sizes, etc…

They’re also the only elves who really have an avenue to becoming Shamans due to their close friendship with the Wildhammer Dwarves, who are the Alliance’s original Shamans. That’s something unique to the helves. Velves, belves, even nelves and nightborne have nothing in their lore to open up Shaman as a class option. Helves would also be the Alliance’s only option for an elf paladin.


In part, a strong desire to play the epic fantasy High Elf trope while being on the Alliance. Personally, I don’t really understand any reason other than this because lore is periodically ignored or twisted by some supporters to justify them while at the same time arguing that not adding them is counter to the lore.

The mega is open please post there

We don’t need too many of these out there

The threads die out because they get automatically locked from being flagged and stay locked for weeks on end until Blizz finally clears the flag because. And yes it is the antis that flag. Stop being obtuse.

Somewhere along the way some people realized that while they can certainly debate a topic or viewpoint that they disagree with, they dont have to actively try to get it shut down. The antis have created this monster, they bear the responsibility for the poor state of the discourse.

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And when the megathread is closed we will be back. Don’t pretend that it’s going to stay open for any period of time and that these threads are no longer necessary.