What do people think of centaur in DF?

I had a theory they might be an allied race but the issue with mounting and armor comes to mind.
As crazy as this sounds, I think Gnolls might just be the Worgen allied race slot next expac.

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They could give the centaur a equivalent of the worgen mount racial

Thats true, I am more thinking about flying, maybe something with there Eagle spirits?

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That could work. They simply turn into a spirit version of Ohn’nara or something

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Oh no. Those mods are going to have some work to do.

I am going to be so salty if gnolls become an allied race but go alliance too. :skull:

Don’t give blizz any ideas now.

But gnolls would be a cool AR

I mean
we have to have ONE allied race that’s requested other than Dark Iron

Horde literally has an allied race that’s an actual different lore race, if Alliance got Gnolls it would be even again

Yeah, I know. It’s just that Cata crushed me hard when I saw worgen go alliance (they had been one of the three races I really wanted to see playable on horde when I started in TBC) and nothing added since then has ever grabbed me, including all of the allied races. So I’m still sitting on 0 out of 7 additions over here. 8 if I count blood elves although they were “already there”. :frowning:

I know the feeling, I wanted Vulpera for Alliance.

Between dracthyr likely torpedoing any chance of drakonids and worgen, naga’s the only race left I originally wanted. But I don’t see that happening because of the tail issue.

It’s a big bummer to think there’s nothing for me to look forward to anymore when it comes to the possibility of new playable races. At least I finally got to play a tauren mage after 15 years of waiting but

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Well with them lessoning faction restrictions who knows. I don’t see why you could not make a Worgen now, you would be able to play most content cross faction, and when they add cross faction guilds would be even better.

I know this is going to sound dumb but them being an alliance race literally robbed all of the interest I ever had in a story involving them, though. I tried rerolling in the SL prepatch and I just hated it, because I still didn’t want to be alliance. The whole selling point of playing a monstrous race that’s unfairly hated by the alliance but is still a hero anyway was the framework for my immersion, and not being horde defeats the entire appeal.

Hate to say it but that framework has not really been a thing for a long time, if anything post BfA the opposite is true.

As for Alliance getting them, I mean
Alliance has to have something going for it. Were like falling below 30% these days >.>

Oh trust me, I know. I complained for a very long time about this. BFA felt like it destroyed the concept for good.

Still doesn’t mean I want to play alliance, though. :confused: I have FF14 if I really wanted that. Or if I just wanted to be the token monster race, Guild Wars 2 does it better.

I dunno though. I know I come off like “alliance fans shouldn’t be allowed anything ever” and I don’t mean to. It’s just hard for me to envision the addition of an exotic race somehow revitalizing the faction. One of the stated goals of worgen was specifically to try to bleed away horde players to alliance in the opposite way belves did, but it largely didn’t work.

Since it was a playerbase osmosis effect that imbalanced the two so badly in the first place, I think the game would need something really drastic like a period of free, unlimited horde-to-alliance faction transfers alongside cross-faction guilds to really help push everyone back to where they feel most comfortable instead of feeling trapped on horde.

Edit: Funny thing to me is that back during BFA, I used to whine a lot about how I wished cross-faction guilds would come already so I could transfer off because “at least I could play a character model I actually like looking at” and so the game would stop lecturing me for villain batting. But when I tried to put my money where my mouth was, I ended up hating it. Go figure.

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I enjoyed their story and found the lore fairly compelling, particularly their Wild God. I feel Wild Gods are pretty underused outside of Night Elves and Trolls, given they should technically exist all over the world and be connected to a lot of cultures. Their zone is gorgeous (but all DF zones are) as well. The only issue I have with them and said zone is that it’s
 they’re Tauren, but with actual more fleshed out lore. The zone evokes Mulgore, the different tribes are what the Tauren were like before Cairne united, their holy city where they all congregate is Thunder Bluff, there are even kodo. Their aesthetic is from a different cultural source, but even so, they’re Tauren in almost all other respects.

Of all the zones, even more than Azure Span (aka the best zone), the Plains feel like a trial run for a revamped version of an existing zone, in this case Mulgore.


It does just feel like they are just there on the island to put something other than dragons there. Honestly, they have very little personality and even the Kalimdor Centaur are more interesting.

The fact that they have somehow existed on the Island for thousands of years with little to no opposition I don’t understand why they aren’t more widespread.

As other have pointed out they are basically Tauren just with four legs.

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why do they have normal people buildings

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