What do people complaining about the story expect from Blizzard?

I feel like everyone here is ignoring the elephant in the room of FFXIV. I have been a warcraft fan since warcraft II and the story has always been childish trapper keeper stuff, but now WoW actually has competition and if you experience the competition you will know that WoW’s story could be a lot better.
Now as someone who played “that game” I will say that I don’t need or even want WoW’s writing to be on that level, but it should have a little more than the whole “family” meme. My guess is people really do want to go back to the more edgy teen stuff like Legion was … “I AM MY SCARS!” and other stuff that a teen boy would write.

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Yeah but the thing is, people actually read the MSQ story in FFXIV, that’s why it’s good. You can’t tell a complex and nuanced story entirely through just cutscenes, it needs build up like they do in FFXIV.

You could never tell a complex and nuanced story in WoW because people clearly don’t pay enough attention for a story like that to make sense. They actually need to make the story in WoW less complex and more simple IMO, like how it was in Wrath, which people often praise as having “good story”. The “good story” being that the Lich King was the overarching theme of the entire expansion with literally 0 nuance or complexity. And when they tried to add some nuance and complexity with Jaina in Wrath, people complained about it and didn’t like it.

Seriously, people who play WoW do not want “good writing”, what they actually want is just the story to be simpler with no nuance whatsoever. They even say so right here:

People quite literally just want the story in WoW to be 100% understandable through cinematics/cut scenes and nothing else.

We’re entering new levels of cope

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Whatever you say dude lol. You even said it yourself that you just want to be able to understand the story entirely through cutscenes and I don’t even disagree with you :dracthyr_shrug:

But I’m sorry, you can’t tell a complex and nuanced video game story entirely through just cutscenes, that’s just not “good writing”.

I don’t care about the story. But I suppose to answer the question, A character I care about? I like jaina. I sort of liked flynn. But they come and go so much I don’t care about rest

They try to make them three dimensional and flawed… but Let’s face it they’re no george r r martin.

Let a small time villain become a big time villain over time. Let the big time villain survive once in a while to try again. Truth be told they’ve already done this.

Stop wrapping things up in a neat package. You know you’re making another expansion so stop it.

And finally drop this t for teen crap. I get it. Kids play. I’m not asking for nudity. These are cartoon villains. I’m checking out

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I sure do love all that running back and forth in FF14. It’s next level story telling. If WoW had more of that its story would be just as anime good.

Honestly I can’t even think of a response to this. Many of us USED to read the quest text in WoW, but after the Jailor was thrown in and undid 20+ years of the story, why even bother? They will just retcon literally everything that happens later anyway.

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Also I sure do love having an entire expansion with some boring filler story, Stormblood, just to build up to a villain and tie up some loose ends. God that expansion’s story was awful, Shadowbringers was such a breath of fresh air afterwards lol.

I don’t disagree, I hated the story in Shadowlands too. But go back and do the story in DF and read the quest text, it’s actually not bad in comparison.

Or ask Blizzard to make the story more simple and easy to understand through cutscenes so you don’t have to. But that’s never going to be “good writing” which is what people are asking for.

The writers are so bad that the entire chronicles books can’t be classified as canon anymore, namely because of that ignorant, “unreliable narrator” comment. That single line means EVERYTHING is completely up in the air on if its canon or not lol.


Because the plot demands it.

It isn’t as bad as SL but let’s be real here it’ll probably be retconned in the future too so why even bother?

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It wouldn’t even be bad if there was an actual well thought our arc to put them in that place. Their storytelling is done in fits. That just seem to have a disconnect between where they end up and where they started

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Okay then don’t care about or pay attention to the story? I don’t really know what to tell you, keep playing the game if you still enjoy it, but if the story is that important to you and you don’t like it, then don’t play the game anymore?

This guy’s trying to gaslight us into liking a fanfiction he loves LMAO


I’m actually trying to gaslight you into reading

If you’re going to complain about the story (and there are all kinds of legit complaints) you really need to play the story… Now I do agree that I hated ZC and only took one character through there… but I did play through the zone and have done enough work to have 15 renown.

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I read it all. It’s pretty weak, man. Like some of the individual stories and ideas are quite good (the Djardin build up is actually really interesting through the Blind NPC but they amount to so damn little in the actual plot, for example). The biggest problems Blizzard stories suffer from is: complete lack of conviction to just do a plot without caving to fan complaints or internal strife (Afriasiabi-gate) and raid patches being cut or shifted so the story has to be rewritten. The other huge problem is every character is a Nice Person and that is 99 percent of their character now. There is no texture to anything and it’s like the writers are all trying to espouse the virtues of therapy in dragonflight without actually telling a story to accompany that message.


I actually pretty much did, only reason I’m on retail forums at all is because it’s fun to argue with you people.

Apart from you not taking into account that people who dislike the story, also happen to pay attention to it… you also seem to think, the people whom you are saying didn’t pay attention to, didn’t really dug the story the last time around in such previous expansions or what not.

Or that they’ve never paid attention, when the real possibility is, they got burnt at one point in the story and just stopped caring. Not just Dragonflight, but any expansion. Even something early as vanilla or 3.

This thread has a “If you hate it, you’re X” vibe to it, ngl.


That’s basically the problem. Blizzard’s story telling is very scattershot and bad. A large issue with Dragonflights storytelling is large portions of it are either not inaccessible without a bunch of grinding (renown), regulated to zones you may not have any interest in going into (Forbidden Reach , ZC, The Dream), or just straight up out the game entirely (War of the Scaleborn book).

Blizzard should be telling their entire story within the game, and have it structured in a way that it’s paced out properly so every player who wants to engage with it can follow it without issue. Instead of this jumbled mess they have been doing since Shadowlands.