What do people complaining about the story expect from Blizzard?

Someone posted a thread complaining about not liking the story on Reddit here:


And said this:

Sarkareth had NO time to be built up and most people I talk to legit have NO idea why he was a final raid boss.

When pressed on it further, he said not only did he not play the Dracthyr starting zone, but he also wasn’t playing the game for Forbidden Reach/Zaralek.

So like, how do people like this expect Blizzard to tell a good story when they are just skipping over whole zones worth of story to tie the story together and explain things like this?

Why does it always seem like the people complaining about the story the loudest don’t actually pay attention to it at all? Why even complain about something you admittedly know nothing about it?


It’s true you should play the game to fully understand the story if you’re going to criticize it.

But for someone who has… I don’t really get why Sarcareth went from bully gang leader to that tier’s raid boss and how Fyrakk was suddenly the end of the expansion raid boss. I don’t know if they were trying to subvert our expectations but it all just feels so … ‘wait, that’s it?’


How did you not get it, it was explained in Thaldraszus, the Forbidden Reach, and Zaralek. That’s like 3 zones worth of explanation, I don’t know what to tell you but it makes sense to me. :dracthyr_shrug:

As for Fyrakk, that was also explained when they explained why and set up Iridikron to be a lot stronger of a boss/bigger of a threat than we thought he was. Fyrakk was essentially the setup for the next expansion where we go underground with Iridikron and some voidy stuff.

Are you sure you paid attention to the story?


No one calls Xal’atath “some voidy stuff”!


Brother you shouldn’t have to play a certain class/race starter to have an understanding of a final raid boss.

It was all boring and unimaginative. I understand that a few people like it, but you guys are genuinely the minority, please understand most people didn’t like the cinematic, its why they’re on forums sharing their opinions.


Sorry to my void queen it’s still early, not enough coffee!

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Like did you just not play Dragonflight at all?


I love those eyes.

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You don’t remember any questline in any of those 3 zones about Sarkareth and the Sundered Flame? Nothing at all, huh?


Thanks for proving me right I guess :dracthyr_shrug:


I remember all of warlords of draenor but not dragonflight, the current expansion that I quested through.



My only issue with the story is that it’s too sappy. It needs more grit. To quote Johnny Cash (rest his soul):

“ Well, I hit him hard right between the eyes
And he went down, but to my surprise
He come up with a knife and cut off a piece of my ear
Then I busted a chair right across his teeth
And we crashed through the walls and into the street
Kicking and a-gouging in the mud and the blood and the beer”

That’s what Warcraft needs more of.


It will never be good unless you’re actually paying attention to it. You can’t watch a movie and then in the middle of it start browsing stuff on your phone and then come back at the end and complain that you didn’t understand the movie and it was bad.

How would you tell someone a story who stops paying attention to you in the middle of it and expect them to understand it and think it’s good?

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The writers explained it and there’s zero holes so don’t bother trying to form an opinion on it.

- Far too many RPG players


People want professional writing, beats, depth and execution. People want what came before modern times pushed out the requirement of talent and merit for more superficial qualities.
In the modern world, great products don’t sell products, Marketing sells products.
Which is why we never get nice things anymore. Unfortunately, us old folks grow out of how ridiculous games have become, as they don’t meet our standards.
Then new, younger folks like you come along with no chance at having standards- you haven’t taken the time, nor can you comprehend what quality story telling is. So there are two sides of the aisle, and to save cost, the AAA company doesn’t concern itself with satisfying the higher standard quality product (if they even know how to do that). They will instead double-down with marketing a lower cost product to you since you can’t control yourself- you’re impressionable, naive, you’ll consume whatever you’re told because you are weak-minded and unsatisfied IRL, yet too egotistical to identify and change that, as a western people generally (not you specifically).

Hope that clears that up. Next topic.


I paid attention lmao its not my fault its not memorable. I mean these people are PAID to deliver a story, you don’t have to excuse their incompetence.


Don’t know. Why not go ask the guy you’re complaining about instead of asking us what we think he’s thinking?

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Did you post this here because you know the people on reddit would tear you apart? That post, on the WoW subreddit of all places, is insanely highly rated for a reason.


No, I posted it here because there’s also a lot of story complainers on this forum who don’t pay attention to the story at all.

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I think Fyrakk was built up quite well through story since the first patch. He got power-hungry and consumed the shadowflame, the corrupting force that drove Deathwing mad. We watched him grow into this enemy, but he wasn’t a god or anything, he was just an ancient dragon with a bit of a power boost.

This was an adventure expansion, not a BBEG expansion. We got lore, we got some really neat fights and adversaries, and we got a bit of a setup for what comes next.

Personally, I think it was great watching him think he had Alexstraza 1v1 and knew he could win, only for him to get outmatched and run to finish his plan. Fyrakk had a Joker vibe and I was here for it.


There are people pointing out the issues all over the place. The fact you literally posted the thread that has multiple people explaining the issues throughout the comments should have clued you into those issues without being a coward and avoiding said thread.

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