What do people complaining about the story expect from Blizzard?

Again, you’re trying to gaslight people into thinking the story was good and they just “don’t pay attention”

People paid enough attention to know they hate it


Yeah like this comment from someone in that thread:

This is it. The OP literally complained about how Sarkareth wasn’t developed at all, was informed that the dracthyr start, Thaldraszus, the Forbidden Reach, and Zaralek were all about Sark, and he basically said “yeah, well I was too busy getting CE and didn’t do that stuff”. When told Iridikron was clearly introduced to be a major player moving forward, he responded with “yeah he’s dope I hope we get a full CGI cutscene of him before we kill him” as if a high quality cutscene means the writing is instantly good.

OP needs everything to be high action, high simplicity, zero character development, zero plot development, and with the highest, most grindiest production values possible or so the writers deserve to lose their jobs.

Sums up the story complainers in a nutshell.


Now post all the comments blasting it as moronic as it sounds lol.

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You’re trying to gaslight people into thinking there was absolutely zero story about Sarkareth and the Sundered Flame in Thaldraszus, the Forbidden Reach, and Zaralek.

Seriously dude just because you don’t remember it doesn’t mean it’s not there and people can’t see it with their own eyes.

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People on the internet have weird expectations. It’s the way of the world.

WoW’s story has always been bad to mediocre if you actually take the time to look at it. It was always riding on WC3’s coattails.

FF14 is the closest a MMORPG can get to a good story, but even its story has some seriously boring parts because it has to have a ton of MMORPG filler.


Maybe it’s just me getting older but I don’t find questing as fun as it used to be

I actively try to avoid quests (so far I haven’t actually done any of the quests except to get dragon riding)

It would be nice for blizzard to find alternative ways of telling the story

The 3 mini videos (Azshara, Sylvanas, and — forget the last one lol —) we’re pretty good immersion

I would personally like to see more of the dungeons telling a story instead of like joining a dungeon and it be “in midias res” for all the other go go goers who zoom through or don’t do quests

They try to tell a little piece of a story in the dungeons, but I never did the quests so it means little to me just some weird RP

Seriously, I don’t even think the DF was that good or anything. I just have a problem with people saying things like “why is Sarkareth the end boss for this raid” and clearly didn’t even pay attention to the spoonfed story right in front of their eyes. It’s ridiculous. The WoW story is never going to be amazing, but it’s definitely never going to be good to someone who doesn’t even pay attention it.

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People complain when the story is neatly packed into a book. People won’t read the quests when the story is in the game. People will hit skip on every cutscene presented to them.

Not that it matters when actual comprehension skills are at an all time low.


I mean, opinion is entirely subjective. It just bugs me when some people chime in and think their opinion is the correct one.

To say that they failed to set up the new characters or plots of this expansion does seem like a lot was missed, because I don’t feel that way about anything I’ve played through. I easily connected the dots and noticed development in Fyrakk and Sarkareth, even if I don’t personally think Sark was a good villain.

But it’s very easy to miss stuff, especially if you don’t play alts or take breaks. I missed Forbidden Reach entirely. I didn’t play much through patch 10.1 or 10.1.5. I only recently got back into this after Blizzcon, and let me tell you, quest flow is a huge mess if you don’t follow it directly from day 1.

I had to really go out of my way, with the help of Wowhead, to do my quests in order. Then I did them again on my druid, which I’m playing mostly now. It was so chaotic to try and piece this puzzle of a storyline together. I think I’m even missing a bunch of it because I never farmed Renown.

Shadowlands and general dialogue aside, I don’t feel that the story is bad. I think it’s organized super poorly and it’s janky as hell to follow in a linear fashion. Gating story behind rep grinds is wild.

We could have Brandon Sanderson writing the WoW narrative and it’d still feel horrible because of how it’s delivered and oddly gated.

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Definitely, this is my biggest complaint with the story for sure. But I recently found this great addon for playing stuff in order if anyone wants a solution to that:


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If you think this go rewatch the wrathgate cinematic. We’ve always had peaks and valleys but this 5 year downhill spiral we’ve been on needs to end.

DF was bad, please stop being a contrarian lmao

DF was bad, but let me tell you how mustache-twirling Claw (from Inspector Gadget) was somehow a better villain.

I honestly think they tried to make the Jailer exactly like how Arthas was demonstrated through the entirety of Wrath, but it didn’t work the second time because he looked stupid and had no established Lore.

Wrathgate was legendary back in the day though. Doesn’t hold the same power nowadays as it did the first time, IMO.

Some of these people have almost no choice but to defend this trash. When they see such OVERWHELMING levels of negativity to the writing, they feel almost personally threatened by it…like it matters.


Ok, ‘didn’t get it’ was a poor choice of words. I just don’t think it felt great having a single teir story around a minor character, I feel like Aberus would have been more impactful if Sabelian and Wrathion were more affected by the whispers and we had to fight them to straighten them out.

Again, yes they explained this in the story… but it feels weak. They portrayed him as a pawn in 10.1 … he then munched on shadowflame to become a bigger threat… which would have made a fine mid xpac raid boss. But a final one? … again … feels weak to me.

Feels like the Halo 2 ending…

DF started so strong, but then totally fizzled out story wise by the end. I was hoping it would have a bigger ending, but we mostly got ‘To Be Continued!’

This is the difference between being an MMO and MMORPG.
Blizz used to have rich elements of an RPG. Now, it’s all rush rush rush and esport junk and those stories have been destroyed.

Play the game and buy a bunch of books. Other wise everything seems rushed or out of left field. WoW has good lore but horrible story telling. It’s been that way since the beginning.


See I actually agree with you, I didn’t like Sarkareth as a character either but they tried something different outside of the “big bad” formula and made a more nuanced end raid boss so it was interesting.

True, I agree with this as well. Hopefully the build up is worth it in War Within.

Thanks for actually paying attention to the story before you discuss it though. :dracthyr_heart:

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The reason is Reddit is an echo chamber and its cool to hate and “the writings terrible!” is the new black, not just for WoW but almost any new game that comes out
the writings bad! from people who frankly wouldn’t know what good writing is/don’t play the games/just want internet points and/or use “bad writing” in place of “I don’t like it”


You must not have a lot of experience with the WoW subreddit. They are frequently just deleting criticism of the game lol.

(Sips :beer:)

Story wise, I don’t know what has been going on for quite some time, as not long after Battle For Azeroth I have stopped caring for the “story” and thus have proceeded to skip the cutscenes and such. Leads to some funny moments such as when I see a character pop up that was not there before.