What Do Classic Enjoyers Have Against Hybrid Buffs (Classic+ Discussion)

So you play resto?

Yeah I played moonkin in original classic and downed all content as moonkin. Its doable, but obviously needs buffs.

No, I play feral cat.

Then good news, it gets better in TBC and even better in Wrath on.

Nah, I’m fine with how I am in vanilla. Likely to quit when TBC happens unless they provide a clone to Era.

I played feral cat in TBC already to its fullest.

Makes sense you play feral, considering they do pretty solid DPS if you don’t mind the levels of degeneracy required to pull that damage. Other hybrids would kill to be able to pull those numbers.

So why aren’t you still playing feral cat in Era?

Burning Crusade fixes Druid and Paladin significantly improves (Ret still kind of meh).

It just sucks we got to wait a year before then.

This isn’t even close to vanilla. You’re playing the very tail end of it. Most of vanilla was hard with next to no hit existing before zg was release and on. AV would days sometimes days not 10 mins. Don’t compare classic to vanilla it’s not the same. You’re literally playing classes that went through multiple changes throughout vanilla. I’d love to see people play through the original timeline. Also, the fact you said earlier in the thread from this post im replying to about a discussion, you literally didn’t have one til later on.

On that note, usually the people i see on here talk about no changes are the exact same people who ONLY PLAY THE META CLASSES AND SPECS that are taken. I venture to say a very large share of people wouldn’t mind some class balanceing. Granted you need to take in to account what else they bring to the table. People in general like the game atmosphere and the world and not often i EVER see anyone say they like the way the meta is unless they are the classes that are meta.

As it stands, the guild i was a part of in the first release of "classic, we took server 3rd clearing naxx when 1/2 the healers were in blues, 1/2 the amount of expected warriors and rogues, world buffs lost on almost everyone but 3 people on saph wipe then we cleared saph and KT after 1 shot. We took world 1st at that time in deaths on KT simply because we didnt have alot of melee so shamans easily could heal them being ice blocked. Games not hard yet people meta the heck out of it alienating tons of players for what? We did just fine.

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The vast majority of players never raided in Vanilla.

It was a game of questing, exploring, hanging out.

Fair enough. It was great times. I raided but not that much as i had children and they took first in my life.

That’s cool. I’m not trying to downplay anyone’s personal experience. I knew hardcore raiders (by Vanilla standards) back then. Just that for most of the 8 million players by Vanilla’s end…they never stepped inside a raid.

Hybrid hate is 90% just circlejerked by average or below average players who don’t actually know why the specs are bad outside of a super surface level. The top 10% of players usually dogmatically support or hate hybrids further.

If you want to play hybrid, just be a nice guy to your guild. That’s all it takes to get by in this game as any class really.

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Fair enough, but i played in sweaty guilds most of classic release. NOT 1 of them would even think about taking a hybrid other then a druid tanking a specific fight or enhance to swing an axe for a caster buff. People talk about how easy this game is yet find every way possible to make it easy. I wish i could find a guild of great players that literally wanted to try classic without world buffs or consumes. Now that would be interesting and possibly difficult. My play through classic was a joke unfortunately.


I’m glad this discussion is had honestly. I’ve tried all classes but paladin is my fave. The lack of dps is not worrisome. Many have said oh they just buff auto-attacks. In my personal opinion blizz has failed in making hybrids truly shine. They’ve been so fixated on making it a one-dimensional class over the years by buffing dps. Paladin for instance being auras. Auras could be the one of the most powerful buffs in the game but blizz turned against this. Devotion aura speaks for itself, even tho people discount it. An extra armor buffs in instances make it quite a bit easier to heal. If nothing is attacking you for 15 minutes why would you use concentration aura the whole time? Good paladins know this! The consistent focus and adjustments on dps meters is exhausting. The question I have is… why are we constantly doing this to ourselves. Hybrids can be op in their own way.

Or is it perhaps that people are too dimwitted to understand what hybrids bring to the table?

Some things SOD did

  • Druids had a free wrath
  • Paladins had an ability to feed the whole raid with mana

Bad thing is, you could add these abilities in the game and they still would not balance stuff for hybrids. Then it’s like “well if we give extra stuff to the handicapped hybrids then we also have to give stuff to op dps classes”. No ya don’t. Op dps classes don’t need to be buffed just because hybrids are being buffed.

God don’t remind me. That was henious

Yep. People thinking that just tweaking “some numbers” is gonna “fix warriors” have no idea what they’re talking about.

You’d have to literally remove execute and cap cleave capabilities, nerf all cooldowns or remove them, etc

Not for the reasons you think.

Warriors are there to simply direct your teams damage and apply MS, etc.

It’s actually the class you bring the least of in a moderately competitive pvp scenario. 1 in wsg, 2-3 in ab.

Mages priests rogues and hunters hold way more value and warlocks/shamans are considered your primary dps bomber anyways, even though warriors can do some scary damage. But warriors require their entire teams support to perform their role, most other classes like mage rogue hunter etc can act much more independently

Reasons are irrelevant to the fact that they are. Also, this thread isn’t titled warriors need nerfs not sure how we got so focused on the class to be honest.

Go into a battleground as a solo rank 14 warrior and see how far you get with no dispels, windfury or freedom, heals, and cc

Now play a mage rogue or Druid and let me know how it goes

I’ve been premading in this game for 10+ years. Warrior is the class you bring the least of.

Why do you think most solo q players are just warriors? Because premades don’t need but 1 or 2, and they only take you if you’re good. Even if your good a lock or shaman can just take PI and one shot you. Believe me a warrior is just an anchor and nothing more

That’s why all these AVs will have 25 warriors in them on wsg weekend.

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