What Do Classic Enjoyers Have Against Hybrid Buffs (Classic+ Discussion)

I’ve seen it many times on the forums and I’m genuinely curious why members of the player base are against things like buff rets, ele, boomy, etc. I think most reasonable people who play these hybrids don’t want to be top of the DPS charts or anything, they would just like to have the ability to play their favorite spec in raids. Things like not going oom 30 seconds into the fight, being able to contribute meaningfully in some way to the raid or just being able to do damage to a boss without their spell school being entirely resisted. I always end but being the head recruiter in the classic guilds I’m in and it always feels bad to tell the enhance player, sorry we probably don’t have a spot for you. Sure the content is easy and solved, but with so little gear to go around 40 players, how can you justify giving any of the DPS gear to a ret boy?

Sure, maybe one of the things that makes classic great is some of the jank. That said, I’m not sure all of the jank is what makes it special namely the way hybrid DPS are dealt with. I don’t think homogenization is the way to go but you can buff up some of the meme specs without making all the classes feel the same.

I think one of the things that SoD got right was the fact many of the meme specs became viable. Sure, this quickly got overshadowed by dumb stuff like rogue tanks, and mage healers, but I think it’s what caused SoD to boom at the start. No one can deny that classic is the goat of mmos; it’s great, but I feel like hybrid dps being a joke isn’t one of the reason why it’s great.

Anyways, I’m sure the usual no changers will come in here and flame me but I would love to hear some level headed opinions on why or why not hybrids should get some love. Sure we probably won’t get any class changes for fresh but regardless of what the doomers think classic+ is coming, and blizzard does seem to be listening. One of the hot topics for classic+ will be how they handle hybrids so nows the time to figure it out.


There’s literally a server created for this. It’s called Season of Discovery.
Or just wait for TBC.


Hey man, I get they we are all busy but at least read the whole thread before you comment stuff like that. There’s a big difference between making it so a balance druid can get through a boss fight without going oom, and adding mage healers.


Who’s we though, I read everyday about buffs to the hybrid dps. You can’t just make a blanket statement because not everyone feels that way. Instead, why not give insight into why or why not?


This isn’t true though, because this “we” would include myself and I want changes. That said, I don’t think you read my thread. You likely just read the title and made a post. Please read the entire post because I mentioned in there I don’t expect changes for anniversary. This is more about classic+ and the future of classic after anniversary.


you’re right.

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you already got a massive buff. daul spck :expressionless:


Blah blah blah. The usual, “Those aren’t the changes I wanted!!!” Thus once again proving that #somechanges is doomed to fail.

And you clearly don’t want any kind of discussion, as you try to insult people calling them ‘classic andys’ in your first post. You know how embarrassing it is anytime someone uses that term? These servers only exist because people wanted to play a version of the old game. You wouldn’t be here without Purists. You’d be stuck playing Retail that everyone hates, whereas now you’re on the Classic forums trying to turn it into Retail that everyone hates.

And lastly, SoD is that way ----->

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Buddy, I don’t know if your having a bad day or something but if you are condolences. I never once said “Classic Andys” and if I did I would also be referring to myself. Again, I still don’t think you read my post and I’m very confused as to why you’re being so hostile. Sure there are changes which would completely doom classic. Things like homogenization, dungeon finder, new raids making old raids obsolete, etc but I don’t think minor class changes fall under the same category. I’m thinking more along the lines of changes added in turtle wow.

I’m happy with the changes I’ve gotten thus far with classic, I was merely hoping to get a healthy discussion going about some class changes towards the struggling DPS for Classic+ when it comes out. As I mentioned, anniversary will likely never see class changes as it’s meant to be something for enjoyers to relive which is nice, but looking towards classic+ how should they be handled.

If I was interested in SoD I would be playing that, alas I am playing anniversary because SoD goes to far in the wrong direction. Maybe this forum post isn’t for you as you seem very emotional charged, and ready to fight without understanding the full context of what the thread is supposed to be.


The hybrids might take away my gear


I really wish the wow forums had a react section. :rofl:

The issue here is with the community. I did the content back in 2004 through each painstaking patch taking whatever we could get in a raid. We didn’t have this warrior stack BS. If we had 4 hunters, we raided with 4 hunters. This new age cancerous community of " Gotta be best" has ruined the game for hybrids. So what if Blizzard buffs them? You still aren’t going to take a ret Paladin over a warrior. You won’t take a boomkin over a mage. Until the community learns to calm down and treat the game as less of a job, you and your hybrids will never be good enough. So yes, you’d literally need buffed to warrior status to compete with raid spots for a warrior. That is all the fault of the community.


That’s a very fair point, and I agree to an extent. My only rebuttal would be just buffing them within reason should be enough. For example, rogues are still brought to raids and geared, yet a great rogue will never out DPS a great warrior. Still they are brought. The issue is hybrids do laughable levels of damage compared to the others. Rogues may do quite a bit less damage, but they aren’t completely sandbagging.

What do you have against classic? why do you feel the need to change it in any aspect?

Well, my main gripe is just the invalidation of entire specs. I just don’t think it’s good game design. Sure, there is always going to a tier list, and there’s always going to be underperforming specs, but if you want to DPS you are basically locked into 5 classes. Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Hunter, Warlock. That’s almost half of the roster unable to perform the most basic role in raid. You’ve also got the issue that warrior is so far above the others in tanking and dps it’s laughable.

My question would be why is it good design for classic class balance to be the way it is, namely in regards to hybrid dps?

So you dont enjoy the game, dont play it? Raids get cleared fine. Pvp is incredibly enjoyable. You had SOD. You had SOM. You have retail. Again to my question, Why do you feel the need to make these changes?


I think what OP and myself have against classic is exactly what he’s expressing. We enjoy more classes (DPS wise) than Warrior / Mage, and you could say rogue.

I don’t want to be the best at everything like retail, but I’d love to be able to play classes like Enhance, or ret paladin without going oom in a minute or so.

I think that Blizzard should leave a classic era server up, on a “whatever year cycle” and I think that there should be a more experimental server like what OP and I want. Sure it splits the player base even more, but I’m pretty sure in classic+ blizzard will make more specs viable, some how.

It’s strange to me that when people want changes to classic they get soo shut out by the classic community. Different opinions are fine, but completing invalidating someone else’s desires, or dreams, seems like a wasted opportunity to discuss what COULD make classic better. (Obviously everyone will have varying opinions)


If you enjoy them, why are you wanting to change them? sounds like you dont enjoy it.

what is strange about this? You dont enjoy something. We are playing classic as is. Then people come in and cry changes when they dont even play it.

I gave you my reason, and it still stands. I also believe basic class changes (like those in turtle wow) and SoD changes are not even relatable. Just because I don’t enjoy class balance, doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy classic. I love the world in classic, I love how gear progression is meaningful, I love how the game starts a level 1 and not max level. That said, I’m firm on the belief class balance isn’t what makes the game great.

I gave you my answer and you’re still dancing around mine. Why is it good for the game for ret, balance, ele, etc to be so terrible compared to the meta specs in raid? Sure, the raids will get cleared, but good luck finding a guild thats willing to take and gear a meme spec.

I also want to continue to add that this is in regards to classic+, not asking for anniversary changes.

Just another person choosing to play Classic who doesn’t actually like Vanilla. :roll_eyes:

Don’t try and find logic in it.