What did you like about BFA?

You know I actually really liked a lot of things about BfA.

I liked that we got given 10 new races this xpac for one. We got more racial customization this xpac then I think I have ever seen any expansion get ever! Even NE and BE got some new stuff.

I really enjoyed the Alliance quest chain with Jaina and her mother in the nightmare realm. For me it was easily the best scene of BfA.

The musics and zones were absolutely amazing! I liked the art and music in this expansion a lot!

I really digged the visual updates to Battlegrounds as well! Special mention to Warsong Gulch! I liked that one a lot! (I wish we Battle Pet/could capture the dear though!)

Mechagon was and still is fire!(Still gathering new things outta that one.)

Honorable mention to the dog house in Boralus! ;-; That is the best location in Warcraft and I wish we had an inn closer to it. I would afk in their all the time.


Aside from the storyline, I liked a lot of what Blizz did with the systems:

  1. Essences rewarded you for playing the game and there was one for basically every single meaningful interaction with it. This felt really good and to a degree encouraged players to go and do things they wouldn’t.
  2. Benthic is such a wonderful system; you get gear that you can upgrade as you go and which is pretty much right there at level 120 to help players get going.
  3. Corruptions are hilariously awesome. I’d never say they were balanced or fair but a combination of them making gear way more interesting, having a clear risk reward system built in to prevent over stacking and multiple different ways to go about doing it leads to a really neat system that I’d love to see emulated at some point down the road.
  4. Island expeditions: not neccesarily the expeditions themselves but rather the opposing AI; I knew that it was an ai by the way it was introduced, but the way that they behaved was uncannily similar to an actual player. Having a similar AI for dungeons or Raids would lead to a wildly entertaining affair.

Really can’t think of much. Azerite Armour was bad, essences were bad, Visions were real bad, HoA was bad. Nazjatar was horrible, still will not go back there. If I had to pick something I would say the leveling was fun the first few times thru then it just became a chore. I loved the jet packs in Mechagon would have to say they were the highlight for me.

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That’s it,

Felt like I was reconnected back to Gilneas and that Tim Burton’s element in it.

All else not happy with it, glad it’s over,

Ready for Shadowlands

Levelling was fine. Not quite Legion tier but second best imo.

Horrific visions are great! My issue with them is I want to do more

Essences are a cool idea, just frustrating when your best ones are behind content you don’t want to do or takes forever irl.

WOD was my first expansion back from a very long post-wrath break and BFA blows it out of the water in regards to post-launch updates

Re-use of old zones is great. Makes the world feel a bit more dynamic and less dev time is spent on building new zones.

Warfronts are a cool idea even if they never really expanded on them and are likely dropping em.

Multiple paths to gearing that aren’t just 5 mans and raiding

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Vulpera allied race and Vol’dun other than that it’s kinda meh for me nothing really catches my attention

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I kind of liked and hated everything at the same time. There was some cool ideas and some of it was fun, but it didn’t feel like the systems were up to their full potential. Maybe because they added so many.

Probably the assaults and mobs in Uldum and Vale. I also liked Mechagon and the big content updates.

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The actual cutscenes in game that weren’t the super fancy big budget cgi or the AWFUL “Hey lets just have characters do default talking animations” ones
Heritage Armor
Warfront Armor ( F in the chat for the cancelled Warfronts cuz I’m sure we would have gotten some sick sets )
Being able to run Visions solo


I liked most of the IDEAs from BFA…

I hate the implementation of nearly all of them…

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BFA is really the only expansion I’ve had a max level in. I started in Cataclysm, but I never really got into WoW until MoP, and I was leveling at the time. When I saw WoD I literally quit for a while, then I came back for Legion, but I didn’t care. Then BFA came out and I loved the Kul Tiren idea and I just finally found an expansion that I enjoyed. I can’t tell you why, but it honestly was pretty good. The art was stunning, the music was stuck in my head, they allied races were cool, and they gave me characters I could hate and love. Sure, they had some mess ups in a few dungeons, and the story writing was confusing at times, but the little bits and pieces (Boralus, Jani, the blood trolls, alpacas, exedra) that were actually good formed together to create an altogether enjoyable expansion.


When they announced shadowlands is what I liked about BFA. Knowing that the expansion is ending and I won’t have to hear “another turtle made it to the water” is the highlight of BFA for me


That it will eventually end.


Norwington estate, Drustvar, Old god plagued Vale, Flynn Fairwind, etc.

Also: “I liked… THEIR MOOSE!”-SuperKamiGuru

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Korrack’s Revenge!

Yeah fight me!

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Basically raids and dungeons were very good as always, the systems were crap. Islands, warfronts and azerite etc

Visions and corruption were cool but not the vessel currency and not the rng of corrupted gear acquisition


I like the fact come Shadowlands I will never have to set foot in BFA ever again.


Nothing, content boring, leveling boring, raids boring. Loot system broken, pvp crap. Worst expact ever.


I think it’s safe to say WoW always has been at it’s best when content is focused on dungeons and raids and all the other systems they’ve tacked on have only harmed the game and turned a lot of people off of playing the game, I know I personally have felt burnt by BFA’s anti-alt practices.

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I actually kinda liked the stormgarde warfront. Waycrest manor was pretty cool, other than that, can’t say much of anything positive about BFA.


It helped break a 15 year addiction.