What did you like about BFA?

the “swab this” poop quest in Freehold


I should run the dg’s. I ran Motherlode early in the expac and didn’t like it.
Didn’t hate it, it just annoyed me and I didn’t bother after that except for the Wrathion dg’s or maybe those were raids.
Idk, I haven’t played for awhile.

i like the warfronts. Even though they were all the same, they were different enough and sometimes funny enough to be interesting.
Same for the bg’s. Those are more funny than the WF’s.
Islands were okay.

My fav thing about BfA is all the gold.

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what I like…I would say raiding was the only real perk, it did nothing better than any other expansion though really, but the raiding was still kinda fun.

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Raiding was the only positive thing I could think of, and two dungeons weren’t bad.

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This expansion introduced my homeland shipmates. With the rich history of me own little patch called Drustvar. Glory to house Waycrest!

Though a pain the heartsbane coven have some of the best models for their creatures and themselves seen in azeroth.

An of course having our lovely Lord Admiral wearing attire more suited to the cold seas rather than that midriff bearing Dalaran costume was a very nice change.

Calm seas my friends.

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I liked the Vulpera. The zones design isn’t bad either, the art team for world design is usually on point.

The armor has all been hideous, except maybe the Alliance Warfront sets. So I guess I like those too, but I can’t use them so it hardly counts.


Well now if it isn’t the little huntress who likes us Kul Tirans. That puts the winds in the sails that does.

Very nice to meet you miss Milanas and may the Tidemother be kind to you.



But it’s not OP becoz you and your guild could have killed Mythic Nzoth by a month ago but you havent up to now.

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What i liked about BFA?

Drustvar, Tirgrade sound, Nazmire, and Zuldazar were all amazing zones, both in looks and leveling experince. Boralus is still just amazing with all the love and little details that went into it.

The dungeons were all fairly fun this xpac, i cant think of one i didn’t enjoy (even Waycrest and Shrine). Ride wise Battle of Dazar’alor was a absolute blast, every fight in there i enjoyed 100%. Crucible of Storms while not a big fan of, it was neat seeing them try something usual with the gimmick fights and gear, and while i didn’t like Nazajar, Eternal Palace had multiple fights that were really fun and enjoyable.

The allied races were another bright spot, with Void Elves clearly being the best of the best flaunts it But almost all of them are really neat. Lets see what else…

Warfronts wern’t bad? They were not ground shaking amazing, but they were neat just… they didn’t age well, once you had your 370 gear or better, and then your 400 gear or better, there wasn’t much reason to que for them again, heroic warfronts helped some in that regard, but needing a full group before you go kinda was eh…

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Boralus is a nicely laid out zone (except the obvious troll of the jump to get on the ship 10/10 unnecessary ally aggravation), Kul’Tiras in general very nice atmosphere. Drustvar questing, excellent coherent. Darzalor also v aesthetic, lovingly crafted, but a multi-level navigation hot mess, which I abandoned until I’d got flying. Then I really enjoyed it. Questing in most zones v good. Ally clearly left til last and suffered filler and dross in Stormsong (main quest excellent, KT line also excellent) and little bit of filler in Tiragarde.

Aesthetic all round, really pleasing. Blizz Environment artists never fail to deliver.


There are a lot of really nice bits about BfA. Overall bad, but the bits… the itty bits were nice.

Some of the best dungeons ever made.

Some of the nicest raids ever made.

Some of the voice acting just incredible

Some of the music just incredible

idk, the bits… you know?


I honestly love the allied races idea, just tone down the reqs

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Loyalist questline and burning the tree.

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Pretty much all of it. I’ve really liked the story. Seeing a continuation of Jaina’s story directly stemming from the events of TFT has been awesome. I loved how the horde’s story led to Sylvanas being ousted. I loved the individual zone stories, especially drustvar, as well as both factions’ stories.

I’ve loved how much there is to do. I’m largely a solo player so world quests are my cup of tea. While I’ve had moments where I’ve been burnt out I’ve certainly never been bored. Even if I get sick of current content we’ve been given so much borrowed power that soloing old content is really damn easy right now.

I don’t raid so I have no opinion on those. And while I’ve only done minimal dungeons, I’ve really liked what I’ve seen. It’s quite amazing the number of boss mechanics they still come up with after all these years, and just for five mans!

Honestly the only thing that’s bothered me at all is the gear. Azerite was dumb and corruption is annoying. Titanforging never bothered me though.


The art is nice

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I actually played around 500 hours on this guy just since 8.2. A lot more than I was expecting to get into BFA. But I really liked the dungeons. Specifically, like you I am a fan of mechagon and Kings Rest. A couple of the others are cool as well however. Thats the main reason. I only raided to get aotc or gear. GCD feels bad.

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I love the zone design

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Worse than WoD.
Dead serious.


I like the fact that BFA is ending, it was the worse expansion so far to me.


I liked playing with my friends

Everything else is the worst it’s ever been in WoW tbh, I’d take wod over this

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