I think Shrine of the Storms,Motherload and Tol Dagor are awful, Temple of Seth used to be high up there but they fixed all the issues with that dungeon post launch and has became one of my favorite dungeons to run.
It’s a step in the right direction for good solo content that you can also do with a friend(s). I just hope they remove any sort of timelimit or forcing the player to go beyond the pace they want. Some people have children and can’t just sit at the PC the entire time when trying to enjoy the game they pay a monthly sub for.
This is what was great about Cataclysm dungeons prenerf. They were super hard and super rewarding. Now if you want to be rewarded for doing a hard and challenging dungeon you gotta do a 15 and to get there you have to rush every time you do your key to get it to a 15.
I think there has been a few things that you could take to another expansion, azerite armor and passives doing most of the work needs to be tossed into the void never to be seen again along with daily rep caps.
In 8.2 they introduced essences which weren’t account bound for some reason and in 8.3 they released an alternative way to obtain them on alts and today they changed how much they cost and increased how much of the currency you can earn at once.
The easiest thing would have been to just make them account bound but they refuse to give the community what they demanded and just give us another hamster wheel to spin.
This is the problem with BFA and activisionblizzard as a whole. They refuse to accept community feedback and implement changes that respects players time and just come up with systems on top of systems on top of rng on top of yet another system.
So while it might not bother you too much right now just returning but just so you’re aware they effectively killed off alts in 8.2 and thus burnt A HUGE chunk of their community. Having hard to earn glyphs that are used by multiple classes not be account bound turned many people, myself included, off of BFA.
I’m trying to enjoy the game now but it’s been difficult for me personally. I think I’m mostly excited for the prepatch for shadowlands so I can see if they screwed feral over or not.