What did you do in game today?

I haven’t been on today.


Did both bastion callings and stuff for Venari, just finished layer 7 of TC, I’m still on and I think people want to run keys.

1- Checked for forums as thats the only thing worth my sub currently

2- Replied to a few things

3- Went and played other videogames.


I was motivated in the beginning. Now I can barely log in to do anything at this point.


Did a few bgs and two WQs, then logged off.

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Did rbgs and will spam bgs for most of the night tonight to get my renown catch up

Herbing, still getting dirty glinting objects with my trainee. :grin:


Completed 2 callings today (yay to doubling up on Bastion!), then…

Continued working on Loremaster!!!

Started at the beginning cleaning up quests and zones I had finished, currently working on Cataclysm.

Spent about 3 hours doing Uldim, and OMG, SO MUCH FUN!!!

I know a lot of folks aren’t necessarily the most excited about questing, but I have to say, Uldim was particularly fun. I highly recommend it to any fans of the old school Indiana Jones films, in particular the first, Raiders of the Lost Ark.

So Good!!!


On my main I did two callings and nazjatar dailies
and then spent the rest of the day running all my toons to Warbringer Mal’Korak and Famu (and Gieger/Hopecrusher/Harika/Sabriel on any toons in those covenants)
And then I hit 60 on a new toon and am running it to all the mount rares.
Then I’ll probably start levelling something else because I’m sure Blizzard will make the big love rocket only drop for 60s so gotta get as many as I can before then.
Very riveting content.

Calling in Bastion
Did my mushroom daily
Started my next chapter (I’m on chapter 7 now)
Checked on my mission table

Have been unmotivated today because am still POed I decided to finally go attempt the Twisting Corridors for the quest… Five hours and up far too late at night later, was given a literally impossible end boss I couldn’t even dent, which spammed my mage with constant chain casts of a spell which chunked over 1/3 of my health with each hit… after chewing through one shotting all my mirror images. My only defense, an interrupt on an almost half minute cooldown, was worthless.

So, yeah. I didn’t bother to log in until later in the day. I dragged one alt through the Maw intro in case I actually want to play it later. I left it stacked up in Oribos with all the others.

Only other thing I’ve done is attempted to learn fire on my mage since arcane still blows for the third expansion in a row, but the ridiculously convoluted rotation (cast when you cast something else, unless star A aligns with moon B, indicating you shouldn’t) just left me unmotivated.

Don’t want to run more dungeons. I used to love dungeons until I had to endlessly spam them desperately trying to fill holes in my gear and getting literally bumpkiss nothing every time. No reason to level an alt for the same reason… they’ll never be viable because they’ll never have any gear.

Maybe tomorrow will be better. :woman_shrugging:

Ew, why? lol

mission table
2 anima conduit things
2 callings in Bastion
rest of day–old world rep grinding

Tried to get my Horrid Dreadwing… logged off. Really can’t be bothered right now. So damn bored of this expansion.

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Did chores on main (WQ, Calling, Extra quests, mushroom guy, lunarfall thing, mission table, 2 maw quests). Did 2 quests on each of two alts in SL. Now waiting on people to spawn something I can kill from the mixology place in Maldraxus.

I didn’t do them back when they were current and now I have to suffer through them to get the amazing crab mount

Ah… fair enough!

The dailies in Naj themselves were boring, but that terrain was horrible. The vistas were nice though.

Way to justify blizzards game design. They don’t care if we “play” or not only that we habitually log in and maintain our sub… this is their perfect player, that and microtransactions.

I havent logged on today, yesterday I did Torghast layer 8 (god I hate that thing!!!).

Did Calling in Bastion on This guy. Didnt bother to do it on my shaman. Started leveling my monk from 50-60.