What did you do in game today?

I’ll start:
Calling quest in Bastion.
Checked AH for gear upgrades (found none)
Logged off.


Nothing, since I haven’t logged on to any character for a month,


Ran a few old WOTLK Dungeons, didn’t get what I was looking for, desperately looking to find to do something worthwhile in the game, couldn’t find anything, logged off.

Total time spent: 1 hourish.


Couldn’t muster up the interest to play this character today.

Dusted off my paladin that I hadn’t played in a few days. Did three callings, double dipping a couple in Bastion.

Annnnd here I am.
I pay by the month, and my current playtime runs out in about 4 days. I genuinely want to play WoW, I just can’t find anything I want to do, let alone pay fifteen dollars to have access to doing.


Yet you love logging onto the forums. blizz loves people like you. Free up that server space Brody

did some torghast on my baby shaman

it was fine

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I didn’t, since I don’t play WoW on Sundays.

Rescued souls from the Maw. Did the Beastwarrens hunt thing. Did another quest for Ve’nari in the Maw. Marveled (and rejoiced) about how little I have to do to get my rep up with her.

Leveled my Engineering to 100. Got a couple more cooking points. Got about 15 JC points. Good day for crafting.

Kicked myself a little for doing the Bastion calling yesterday. Could have double-dipped today. I liked the zone for questing, and there’s a lot I like about it generally, but it has my least favorite daily quests. C’est la vie.

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a few normal dungeons with guild mates and a calling.

Ported to covenant
Saw the daily was Bastion
Logged back out


I ran Heroic Skyreach on my 14 plate wearers to get the Goldsteel Belt.

I didn’t get it.


I’m 2 hours into Sludgefist and I’m just.

Did a couple of callings and working on leveling an alt (this one actually!)

Changed covenants. Ran some raid bosses for renown catch up. Got none. Logged out.

Ran a +6 NW as enhance and a +15 mists as resto. Then I logged out. Maw dailies when I get back home.

i tried to solo some nighthold. died on spellblade aluriel.

I have two chars at 60 - one who just got to 60 last week.

On the first main:

  • Souls in the maw
  • Profession quests/easy quests for free rep and anima
  • Mission table (not really sure WHY though. I don’t care for it this expansion).

New 60:

  • Covenant story line quests
  • Stone fiend pet from a World quest!
  • Weapon upgrade from a world quest!!!
  • Two Bastion Callings
  • Some Conduit upgrades
  • Pet some Maldraxus cats

Profession Alts over 50:

  • Any alt with 25 in a profession can do the world quests for professions. Easy rep/rewards. So, I will do those on two chars. Cooking is up today so that is a certain one.
  • Easy quests near flight points for free XP and rewards. Vehicle/bombing type ones are nice for that.

Tomorrow I need to finish off the Maw on my first 60 and keep going on the Convenant quests on my second 60 as I get renown tokens to open it up.

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Got about 10 k gold and sent more followers on missions. Thats about it .

Yesterday the human hunter chipped off a decent portion of wra rep for the mount from vendor.

Today…I will finish that off.

Then find something else in the old world that works like this and do that lol.

Quite nice working dungeons repeatedly and getting something I control. And i see loot. Even if vendored for like 50 gold total…I got something to sell.

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Got my all +15s in time mount, did Layer 5 of twisting corridors, gonna do our heroic alt raid later tonight. Pretty good day.