What did WoW do that made you so attracted to it?

Ran into wc2 w/o knowing what it was…strangely thought it be like a cheap rip off of sim city. Then something came to attack one of my buildings and then it was, oh snap. Picked up wc3 later then jumped into WOW due to already being sucked into franchise and it also being open world…big Zelda fan.

I liked Warcraft universe a lot and blizzard wasn’t going to make another Warcraft rts so I had to play wow to continue.

Wow can’t be beat, and if it is, you’ll have to rebeat it every 2 years.

My goals are to collect every:

-Recipe for every profession
-ALL transmog gear for every class
-Do every quest
-Exalt every rep

At least that’s possible to get. I’ll never get S2 Gladiator xmog or current elite xmog :rofl: but anything I can get I go for.

Right now though I’m busy leveling 52 new alts for my army which will put me at 127 characters, I’m considering leveling 5 more but I have to wait until I have more SLs info since if I level them will be based on something SL leveling.