What did WoW do that made you so attracted to it?

The cinematics are godly, the mounts look pretty neat (that’s mostly what I’m doing between now and Shadowlands), and I cannot let those Alliance bastards win.

Honestly the inter faction conflict does so much to keep me hooked, not necessarily the lore, but the players. When Against Overwhelming Odds got released for Alliance and they had 4 or 5 5-man parties on each flight point in Zandalar, or when RUIN crashed the server warping in multiple raid groups for Battle for Nazjatar, or even just that Alliance raid group that camps all of the Tortollan quests. I can’t let cowards like that have the satisfaction of victory.

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I loved the RTS so I just kind of crossed over.


I was 10 and I’d never seen a game quite like it.

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Felicia Day attracted me to it. I got hooked because of story.

I was at a point in my life where I didn’t feel a connection to my group of friends anymore when I watched The Guild and saw her build friendships there.
I didn’t play WoW very much, but I played HotS, and when Illidan and Tyrande interacted with hints of an angsty romantic past, it flipped a switch in my brain. I’m usually like this. Add angsty romance to anything and my hyperfocus immediately aims at it.


Joined in vanilla and kept playing because of IRL friends till WOD drove me away. Came back in
March because it’s a cheap way to kill time in coronavirus.

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  1. Warcraft
  2. Smooth, polished gameplay (unheard of in MMOs)

The classes but at this point Blizzard has no idea how to do that anymore.

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I really loved the community aspect. I miss server celebrities. The awh of how awesome and huge the land was. I miss seeing mounts and thinking people were awesome. I miss protecting the barrens and other quest hubs. I loved that the world felt dangerous. I just miss how players used to play back in the day. This game was a true MMORPG. Now it feels like an MO.

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Have you tried, or thought of trying, to play on a role-playing server? There is such a wonderful sense of camaraderie and community, even if you yourself may not be a role-player.


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I have thought of trying I was just always attracted to pvp servers with high pop because that’s my favorite activity. Seeing in retail they don’t have pvp servers anymore I might just try one. Thank you kind Wiccan.

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Honestly I couldn’t tell you what made me want to play it. I think it was the undead starting zone that made me think WoW was the coolest game ever (not that undead even became my first race I ever even made mind you. I was first introduced to WoW when I saw my Aunt play the video game and she was in Brill and I thought everything about the game seemed so cool.

I ended up making a night elf hunter…

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Emerald Dream is a RP-PvP server, and though the RP bit is more restricted to guilds and communities, they have a vibrant player base with an emphasis on PvP. Please check it out if you are interested!


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Dwarves. How they look and how they are portrayed. That’s what attracted me to WoW, along with the art style.

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I have not! ill have to give it a look!

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My attachment to my characters

All the details and easter eggs that go into the world building and the characters… it’s amazing that someone took the time to sit down and make some of these side details and hidden lore bits on top of making full raids and interesting zones.

I was a big fan of the RTS, especially WC2. I was hooked the day my brother showed me Ironforge on his Gnome warlock. I’d never played a MMO before and had never seen a game world that big or populated with other players.

It gave me a world to escape in while living in an abusive household.

As for filling time before shadowlands. Mog Runs.

I was a big D&D nerd back in Jr High/High School so when I saw WoW back in TBC, I was hooked on log in.

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At the time it first came out, I had been playing EQ for years and the graphics compared to EQ were amazing (even after EQ did a graphics update a few years before hand). It just was a bright, shining new toy to replace something I had been playing for years and was growing bored with.

The odd thing, I have tried several more modern MMOs in the last couple of years but non of them have kept me from returning to old faithful. If only Aion didn’t become a pay to win unbalanced faction based PvP game. I really liked that game and would probably still be playing it today but it descended into a place I just couldn’t continue to play.