What did the Arbiter do with dead babies?

I mean if you get assigned to your afterlife based on your decisions and experiences… what happens to those who never had a chance to make decisions or have experiences?


There’s probably some nursery realm or something. Remember the zones we go to are just four among infinite. I can see an afterlife where all the inhabitants are caretakers for baby souls.


As crass as it is, anima mulch. What does the Shadowlands need a soul that can’t do anything for?

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Babies realm. Shadowlands will just make a caretaker race to take care of them.

I feel like the other factions would just raid the babies realm during an anima shortage.

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Baby realm secret weapon:

The Atropal




They wouldn’t go to Bastion because they wouldn’t qualify.

My guess would be they would be sent back to reincarnate to properly charge up with Anima.


They get sent to an apppropriate mommy ghost and daddy ghost who will love them very much.

Or a really creepy forest to hang out with some dead draenie girl.

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Well, since anima is accumulated by the scale and importance of a soul’s deeds and experiences in life, by definition a baby wouldn’t have really accrued enough anima before dying to make it worth the effort of trying to harvest them.

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Do they have a choice to not harvest a dead person?

Not sure what they did before, but ever since the Arbiter broke they’ve been getting chucked into the Maw.

To the maw.

How dare they not make decisions for the Arbiter to make a choice?

This thread. :joy:

I would have to agree with what Kaileath above said. I feel if a soul is to die too young and without much, if any, anima then it’s sent back to reincarnate and given another chance. I doubt this will EVER get mentioned seeing as how it’s quite a random topic for blizz to touch on but interesting to think about nonetheless.

I feel like a place that is cold and systemic as the Shadowlands, infants would be just turned into anima. It’s not the politically correct answer, but why would they dedicate a realm to souls that are helpless and only know when they are hungry to cry? Seems like an anima drain with no return.

Reincarnation is another safe and PC solution, but I can’t even fathom how that would work. Would a dead human baby soul be sent to another human, or Tauren to be born? What if the race died out, or the planet?


Hot controversial take: Babies don’t have souls, until they make appropriate or inappropriate choices in life!

Alternatively, dead baby souls become the non-combat pets we see hanging around.

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Gonna get alot of hate and possibly a bann for this but:

There is a reason those squirrels and cats etc have those as a form.

Other than that The house of constructs is a thing for a reason.

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Is baby anima really something the house of constructs would find all that useful… additionally - you think the Arbiter would send babies to the afterlife of eternal conflict and strife?

This subject goes in the same locked closet along with attacking child NPC’s.

It’s a room labeled “We Don’t Go There.”

Otherwise it depends on how much of a Calvinist the Arbiter is.


Baby Jail aka the Warcraft forums