What did the Arbiter do with dead babies?

Yeah my current theory is all the Soulshapes (so you know they’re mortal souls) of baby animals that don’t speak you can pet in Ardenweald are actually dead kids.

But those require some degree of thought and awareness of what a puppy is

So dead babies possibly have a Babyland, that is a giant daycare with an army of nannies

Ardenweald, like every other animal.

What? Why are you booing, I’m right!

Arbiter’s a robot. Turned them into anima.

Considering Dresco is in the Shadowlands we might find out what happens to babies who are killed.

Honestly, the idea of a baby galivanting around Ardenweald as some playful creature makes sense.

I think that a lot of them are sent back though…their souls.

Not gonna get into pagan beliefs too much but I was told that I had a past life that only lasted outside the womb briefly if at all.

I would vote Ardenweald though. Playful afterlives for soul growth and then being sent back to a body that would have time to live and develop into an adult.

A sin yet to be committed is a sin yet to be atoned for. To Revendreth they go, until the babies repent for the crimes they were destined to make.


Anyone seen Timmy (the Cruel) in SL yet?


If they don’t they become restless dead… i.e. ghosts, undead, etc.

The question is when the jailer has gained enough baby souls when will his army of undead baby’s attack the realm of the living?

Just imagine the baby’s coming through the shattered sky and the armies of Azeroth Hooghly eyed and too awestruck from cuteness to attack back! The most brilliant plan!

This is correct.

Unfortunately, that nursery realm is Whimsyshire from Diablo 3.

They become those Kyrian Owls.

Somehow you made the Owl Slaves worse.

Well done.


I think this may stray into an uncomfortable area for Blizz. It brings to mind alot of issues IRL that might get twisted by people with agendas.

Does life begin at conception or upon breath? When is the soul developed? Is there a magical form of Warcraft Baptism that might direct an infant’s soul? Or save it? Some Catholics believe infants who are not baptized linger in purgatory. Some Christians believe only the baptized enter heaven. I wonder if such a concept could exist in WoW.

I kind of agree. I think the Arbiter probably flings them right back around. Like:

“Hm. Nothing. Guess they died before they were able to do anything worthy of judgement. Back you go!”

After 10 seconds of consideration:

Maldraxxus, but with babies instead of scourge.

Baby fighting pits. I imagine todders are like the larger undead.

Primus is like Nanny on the old Muppet Babies cartoon.

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Can the Arbiter send them back? The animation seemed to have intake from the mortal plane - outflow to the various afterlife options - but there didn’t seem to be a flow of anima going back to the mortal realm.

you could argue one gate just leads to another facility that specializes in sending designated souls back. Oribos isn’t the only First One site in the Shadowlands.