What did Anduin do exactly?

I feel like they’re playing Anduin up as if he was Arthas levels of bad. Like him struggling with all this guilt etc. But what did he even do as the Jailer’s pawn? I know he stabbed big blue lady, but anything else? Idk, just seemed like he stood around menacingly for the most part.


Nothing, its just bad writing.


Well for one, he did that…you know some…those times when…that thing…ok, that…well…he…stuff.


I mean wasn’t he the key to resurrecting all the mawsworn to take that sigil?

Other than that he was a Princess Leia trophy

Side Note - Evil Mind Control or not, am I the only one who was happy to see the brainwashing blue cult leader get stabbed?


He stabbed her (but she got better), Assault.

He stole the thingie from the tree people,

Not bad for a dude with glowing blue eyes and really cool looking DK armor.


I don’t get it. Anduin has a very strong willpower and faith, what he did was bad, but he didn’t kill anyone, as much as I know.

Do you imagine if Anduin was played like Saurfang and he killed all these Draenei? The guy would kill himself, then.

This feels strange.

They don’t want to put him on the firing line of the next expansion.

Here’s hoping I get to kill a few Alliance leaders at long last.

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I mean, if you wanna be really technical, he was. He was dominated by the Jailer using the remnants of Arthas’s soul, so he was literally Arthas levels of bad.

100% I have serious problems with the kyrian… "there are some aspirants who have doubts… how about you go down and beat them till they agree to have their minds wiped and “ascend”

Some heavens gate cult stuff right there.


Well, he’s a human, and that is crime enough.

dude Anduin is a ‘‘weak’’ King , of course he has mental break after what happened in Shadowlands

he was not ready to be a king

Maybe he’ll go all berserk and March toward Iron Forge and cleave it in half. The dwarves are going to be a mostly extinct race and they’ll gain the ability to jump and twirl.

And instead of marching to northrend he’s going to march to southrend. He’s going to become the lich King of light and call down cosmic death rays everywhere.

And he’s going to make his citadel/throne a pinnacle reaching up into the heavens where it’s so bright that will all have to wear a sunglasses in order to play there.

The too long; didn’t read is…yeah he’s the new bad guy.

:black_large_square: :purple_square::black_large_square: :purple_square::black_large_square: :purple_square::black_large_square: :purple_square:

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he was a raid boss, the greatest crime of all.

but yeah, Anduin is generally a good character, kinda disappointing they’re writing him out of the story.

They’re setting the stage for Turalyon to maybe start the next war and finally have an alliance bad guy. That and he looks guilty that he said nothing at Sylvanas’s trial, he got to talk to her and understand her maybe a bit better…he knows how it’s like having the jailer putting your body on auto pilot while your soul is powerless to stop it or whatever stupid reason they may say…long story short I think he’s going to jump in after Sylvanas and help her get her tasks done and idk…have a long…long chat with her about stuff… maybe find his mother and chat with her…he… needs a vacation after getting his butt kicked in a raid. He’ll be back I’m sure but…he needs to think things over


No idea anymore. This story is hot garbo.

I think he’s like Indiana Jones. The story could have happened just fine without him.

thinking of chicken nuggies.

As long as we burn a few Horde towns and cities, so be it.

It’s likely a form of ptsd. Something all four leaders who were sent into the maw likely have.

It seems like a very realistic and believable thing to have after being tortured and then having your body used for evil purposes with the only thing you can do is watch. Especially given how unwavering Anduins faith was prior to SL.

In a short while, Anduin has been through quite a bit of trauma.