What day will you call in sick to work

I’ve asked for Tuesday and Wednesday off. There no need for me to call in sick if I can plan I advance. Being out Monday would be pointless as I’m already off work by the time DF launches

Yeah. I guess politicians are allowed to lie and the rest of people aren’t.

Yeah. Completely off-topic with this thread. I’m sorry, I’m running out of whiskas for you, have a nice day.

I already requested off on Friday, just crossing my fingers no hacker attacks or server being down or lots of lag. Wife and kid will not be here, so I’m super excited for the silence to play, lol.

No point in calling in sick for launches anymore unless you’re playing to make gold.

Getting to max level and gearing in the first week is pointless as M+/Raids won’t be coming out for a couple of weeks.

You’re better off taking days off during the first M+ week and try boost your io and get ahead of the curve.

None, I’m working 6 days a week and from Thanksgiving until after Christmas is a black out period. Taking off in January but I’m going on vacation. Not wasting time off on WoW :slight_smile:

Unsure if you’re a salty boomer or just an overgrown man child. :rofl:

The best part about being an adult is that you get to skip the whole “Mommy my head hurts can I stay home today and watch cartoon” nonsense.

Having full control over your life and the financial freedom to just “take a day/week off” for your passion/hobby is so underrated.

Dude, why do you care what other people do lmao.

Honestly, If I was given more than 10 vacation days a year I’d probably take a few off and play WoW, but I’m not. It’s not worth it to me. Doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be fun.

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I’m already sick.

Summer cold sucks but it has let me level my Alchemy on Classic with impunity.

i think i’m developing a cold and might have to call in sick tomorrow.

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And if it aint?

im not gonna call in sick unless i really am because i’m not that type of person.

I use my sick days for when I’m buried in snow and can’t get out.


How’s that working out for ya??? From what I see no one can play hahaha. Well spent PTO

I had 6 days I had to use before the end of the year because I was at the rollover cap. Used 2 of them for tomorrow and wednesday. Seems fine to me

I was off today anyways lmao

And already got a level and a dungeon under my belt