What day will you call in sick to work

weirdly i was trying that the other day and it doesn’t work on my PC. i can do it on my roku and stream shows, but the option doesn’t show up on my desktop at all. i even tried it with two different cell phones. probably have to update windows or something i guess

i encourage people to :poop: on ohio, that way our cost of living stays super low because nobody wants to move here

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Pfft, Ohio with a real autumn and snow in winter. Take me back.

central texas sucks so bad.


I work in IT, but what I meant is calling out or using a sick day. What are we 12? “Mommy my head hurts can I stay home today and watch cartoons?” Swap out cartoons with wow. I never understood wasting PTO to sit home and play video games… ( ya ya some people travel and take vacations and some choose to do staycations, sitting home playing wow is no different blah blah) just a complete waste to me imho. Be hilarious if someone actually calls out and get fired haha

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yeah one of my boyfriend’s friends moved to texas years ago, they’re trying to move back now. ohio has issues but at least we’re better than texas lol

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It’s a big event for me.

I love Ohio.

Honestly, I wanna move to Alaska or Montana so bad tho. Not sorry - real seasons trump hot as hell Texas. I miss autumn with beautiful leaves and cool air and snow guaranteed every winter.

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When I’m really sick. Because my work place actually requires you to bring in a doctor’s excuse because of people calling in sick when they weren’t.

Find a cool doctor to write you a note. ez clap.

Over 800 hours of sick leave. I won’t be wasting it for launch day.

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Alaska housing is outrageous. Small houses near where I live going for 1 mil because of all the people fleeing the big cities

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Alaska is out then. Boo.

I want cheap living, wilderness and four seasons.

I also wanna live with bears and moose.

I was talking to my soon to be sil on thanksgiving that if you ever see on the news something like “woman from texas dies 20 mins after moving to Alaska by a grizzly bear.” That, that would be me and my sil joked that I would be on the news killing a grizzly bear bc it got near my kids or dog lmfao.

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My workplace only requires a medical certificate for more than 2 days of sick leave.

The farther up north you, the longer the winters. Where I live we have long winters and a long fall, but you’ll barely notice spring and summer is short too.

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Vermont, Maine, and probably Tennessee, and West Virginia could meet your needs. If it wasn’t your desire to see moose I would have included Georgia on the list.


you do you i guess. ive never been one to call off work unless i was genuinely sick. used to be a dispatcher and worked with a lot of idiots who would call off whenever they didnt want to come in and i got stuck working a lot of 12 hours shifts and even a couple 16 hours. i resented every single one of them. not something i would ever do to someone else

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I’m not really excited for DF, so I’m just going to take it easy at the beginning. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate Dracthyr, nor do I think DF will be terrible. I’m just not feeling the same whimsy I used to get with new content. So I’m not rushing it, as to not burn myself out. I want to take it slow to see if this will indeed be my last WoW experience. This one is make-or-break for me before I decide to move on.

I have 230 hours of PTO at work and get it faster than I can spend it.

I guess i could take a few days idk.

No day. Shrugs

You get more than a business month’s worth of PTO?? I’m actually jealous lol

42 days a year yeah but i have to use 7 for holidays… so 35 days.

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