Not really, it’s completely optional, and has been since 3rd. Only 1st and 2nd forced a player to set an alignment. Now it’s up to the DM to enforce or not enforce it, as it should be. When I run a game, and you are playing off alignment as a DM in 5th or any addition, I can change your alignment to match how you play, and give you the necessary punishments if it affects your character.
Most of the time people play their alignments correctly if they’ve played for any length of time. So it’s really a non-issue. I would say the biggest change, is also the best new thing added in years and that’s the advantage disadvantage system. Which was developed from “Iron Heroes”.
I see I might want to get back into then sometime when everything is more relaxed once again to give it a go.
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oh… on the Alignment thing as a DM I only require the Alignment for RP purposes, and I try and encourage players to RP often. I will however when playing try my best to play difficult situations, ie an Evil Character in a good party, and have them be a hero. Not easy, but loads of fun when it all comes together. ((ie Neutral Evil Elf Thief with a Pirate background, she was always thieving, while doing her best to help her friends.))
I always went with chaotic good-chaotic neutral-chaotic evil… Depending which was needed as they were slightly easier for me to get into the characters mind set than the others
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You got a problem with short Death Knights?