What cultures are the races of azeroth based on

Yeah. It’s neat. Mix that in with “kinda snobby famous musician that is also a recovering addict” and poof. Sindorei lol

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I’ve often thought goblins were based off hispanic culture. Reasons why:

  1. They are most at home in tropical regions.
  2. They love to party alot. Parties are a common way to have fun in the Caribbean Islands.
  3. Many kinds of janky technological inventions have come from the caribbean islands. Like for richer people, you sometimes see cars with spring loaded joints down there.
  4. Goblins have more of a brownish tanned skin tone.
  5. In places like the dominican republic, many salespeople are known to be extremely aggressive with making sales.
  6. Many latin american counties are known for all kinds of corruptive business and government practices down there. Firing people for any reason, bribes, gambling, extortion of individuals.

Gilgoblins on the other hand. They seem to be based off common mermaid/sea dweller tropes. More fantasy then real life cultures.

It’s becoming more common in places like Australia too, mainly because its a more inclusive term than simply “Aboriginal” (which leaves out Torres Strait Islander peoples) and highlights the fact that Indigenous Australian and Torres Strait Islander peoples history dates back 50,000+ years.

I’ve often thought goblins were based off hispanic culture.

for me, i think goblins are based on American capitalism.

they got wacky attitudes that parallel American consumerism, mafia and capitalism.
they make crazy inventions like kaja’cola, stop-lights, grills and hot rods.
they got a sport called foot-bomb.
they got parties goin on.
they have such strong industrial architecture.
they live in slums.
the higher ups dress up in colorful pimp outfits, complete with canes.
they got Brooklyn New Yorker accents.
gadgetzan (in hearthstone) has a gangster shtick goin on.
they are greedy.
and they have similar business ideals.


Nah mate they’re just New Jersey


That could be too.

Goblins are based on New Yorkers. Trolls on Jamaicans. Nightborne are clearly patricians, which isn’t an ethnic group, just a master class irl, as nobles are. And vulpera, c’mon. They’re foxes. Wholesome homebodies fresh from the den. Haven’t you listened to their intro on a newly rolled vulpera?

“Just like Aboriginal basically means… Indigenous Native.”

That often use japanese like names. They give me more a romani vibe. Some of their names I believe are Sanskrit but I forget which.

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Isn’t that what Ryu says in Street FIghter.

The word Barbarian comes from Greek. And — no lie — it’s because they thought that pretty much all non-Greeks’ languages sounded like someone saying “bar bar bar” when they talked.

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“Hard to believe, but true.”

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Yes! I remember that now. Thanks for correcting me.

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/agreed with the above.
To add:

Zandalari - African
Darkspear Trolls - Jamaican/Pacific Islander
Draenei - Sci Fi fantasy space faring trope/eastern european
Dwarves - Common middle earth scottish accent drunkards

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Night elves- Hippies on weed from the 70s
Gnomes- MIT
Vulpera-The pos who kills the chickens at a farmer’s farm and digs holes to sneak into his yard.
Blood Elves-The entitled rich brats of the planet with not enough money to spend.

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Their armor, buildings, and even theme is 100% Aztec. I don’t see any known African culture in anything that might just be coincidental but no doubt it’s an Aztec/Mayan culture.

Literally Aztec pyramids, the architecture is Aztec, the themes of giant Gold wheels similar to like what we find on stone wheels with even the art being like what we see from Aztec society.

The clothing is aztec as well as the decorations you can put on your Zandalari Troll.

The gold and even style of weapons are all based off of weapons the Aztecs used too. Like obsidian swords they wielded.

This is very clear. /agree

Also /agree.

Very true. Just copy cat Middle Earth Dwarves but Tolkien got his Dwarves from celtic burial architecture and depictions of Norse Mythology.


You don’t have to be nice. We all know they’re from Jersey.


P sure Zandalari was a pop culture ref (Black Panther)

no complaints movie was rad I just wish the Zandalari empire was more of an empire than just a city in a zone.

Visually yes, but I was mostly referring to their accent and the whole Wakanda vibe rip off.

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The french inspired ones would be more the nightborne

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