The Dwarves could definitely be from Norse mythology, but they’re very Celtic, more British Isles inspired, at least in their culture.
The Tauren are obviously very Indigenous American inspired (apologies if that’s not the right term to use). If there’s a specific group? I don’t really know. Someone else probably has a better idea.
The Worgen are very Gothic, which doesn’t really have a distinct origin but it’s European.
Night Elves are a bit of a mystery since our modern interpretation of them comes primarily through Tolkien-inspired stuff. Some have pointed out similarities in their architecture with certain Japanese buildings, but they’re also pretty rooted in Greek/Roman architecture as well when it comes to Highborne buildings. Blood Elves are pretty much the same deal.
Trolls are extremely interesting though. They’re a combination of a bunch of different real life cultures, all of which are really cool. Their accents are definitely Caribbean, but their architecture is kind of all over the place. But their temples are definitely Mesoamerican.
The Zandalari though, they’re really interesting. To start they borrow a lot from a bunch of different Mesoamerican cultures. The Zandalari live in the mountains, much like how the Inca did. At the same time though, they don’t actually use their architecture (at least I think). The architecture resembles Mayan or Aztec more than anything. It’s hard to figure out which one though, since the seal within Dazar’alor gives me Mayan Calendar vibes. Still awesome though!
As for Orcs, I’d say, and before you disagree hear me out: Vikings stereotypes. To start, one of the most iconic outfits for Orcs is the typical raider look. Additionally, they wear the stereotypical horned helmets all over the place and loot and pillage Human dwellings across Azeroth which have a Medieval England inspiration to them.
Whether or not Vikings chose to slap spikes on every single thing though? I got nothing. That’s just WoW being WoW and doing it’s thing.
Draenei - Protoss. I think the devs even said it themselves that they wanted to try and get Starcraft elements in WoW so they created Draenei.
Gnomes/Vulpera - Obviously demons. Look into their eyes. Don’t you see? You can’t trust those guys.