What content can you give casuals that is not M+, PvP, or Raiding?

Bold words for a Vulpera.

And that’s a big reason they’ll never do it again.

Blizzard knows perfectly well that no matter what they do, people will say, “No, not like THAT” and continue to complain.

Just let me hug you

Would you feel better if I post on my Tauren?

Well, that’s… not entirely true. WoD was in borderline Duke Nukem Forever levels of development hell, minus a 17 year delay. The expansion promised an insane amount of stuff and delivered upon literally none of it because of a lot of Activision mumbo-jumbo (tl;dr: they wanted yearly expansions and Blizzard absolutely couldn’t deliver on that front) and the team was basically forced to scrap the expansion partway into development and work on Legion instead.

WoD was more a victim of corporate greed from higher-ups (Activi$ion) than incompetent development, although there were some extremely baffling design choices that basically pissed on WoD’s grave after Activision brutally murdered it (see: flying). And the general trend with Blizzard (and something the community clamors for more often than not) is more along the lines of “if it’s broke, scrap it instead of fixing it.” We saw that in WoD since they scrapped the whole thing. We saw that in BFA where they scrapped Islands as well as the entirety of the Azerite Armor system after 8.1. And people were nonstop begging Blizzard to pull the same move with Torghast this time, although they ended up not pulling the plug on something with that much potential.

I started to play WoW because of solo questing. I got more into it because of random BG’s.

Random BG’s are now pretty much gone unless you also do organized PvP for the gear. And questing has gotten worse with each expansion…

So, now I just kill rares and collect mounts, or do solo challenges here and there.

So, give me more solo challenges?

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I used to have more but its easier for me this way. I no longer feel i have something to prove to people.

I used to worry about being up to standards but now i just do whatever makes me happy.

They already gave us garrisons and you want more? :crazy_face:

There’s no “not like that”…stop being so disingenuous. It wasn’t housing, period. Anyone who has ever done housing of any kind in any game other than this would tell you that.


I personally agree. Housing is not something I actively go out of my way to participate in, but I’d prefer other people have something they enjoy and look forward to if it means they want to partake in the game.

I played extensively with player housing in UO, DAOC, and SWG.

What I learned from that is that player housing is something a lot of people scream about wanting, but then a month after it’s introduced, nobody gives a damn and the housing areas are ghost towns.

So I’ll pass on wasting development time in WoW on that.

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I agree and disagree.

It would be a lot of work for them to make.
And i know full well it would come out of the time it takes to make world content

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Casuals enjoy pvp and raiding also. BGs would be fun if they match ilvls properly. It’s so easy to do but Ion and his crew just don’t care.

I kind of find it insulting that anyone (I know Blizzard did.), calls a garrison player housing. Was not the same thing in the slightest other than being instanced.

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I agree and disagree as well.

Despite them not even being in the same realm of video games, Genshin Impact has only been out for around nine months, released housing in a patch, it is kinda bare bones, but it was enough to get started. They added some furniture to NPCs, incentivized people play with it, and then decided they’d patch more stuff in later, like characters coming to your house and gardens.

Blizzard is a multibillion dollar company that refuses to take resources away from dungeons, raids, and open world quests over a game that people pay to play for 15 minutes a day and then log off.

Regardless of if it’s housing or not, they need something other than dungeons and raids to incentivize casuals to play, because it’s swiftly becoming the last thing many want to do. Not everyone, mind you, but there are people like me who are sure they’ve played the current edition of WoW for the last time and don’t intend on returning unless major, sweeping changes happen to the way casuals interact with the game.

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I really like korthia
I think its a breath of fresh air for gearing
They just need to make it so the gear you want to upgrade is easier to get.

If theyre going to make 1 upgrade worth multiple weeks of farming… lets not play rng with the gear you get to upgrade

And the game has had other things to do for 17 years, and continues to.

In fact, Shadowlands has more open world content than any previous expansion.

WoD housing had a few problems with it.

  1. Blizzard tied progressing through the content to the housing. That forced people that did not want to do that content into do it.

  2. The options for housing as limited. They promised a lot of customization and we did not get that.

  3. There was not much reason to go out into the world once you got your garrison up and running. The gold and transmog items rained from the heavens. It really killed the game for some people.

  4. It was pretty boring. Yeah, the easy money was fun but it was over all boring.

I will tell you what “housing” I did like. The MoP farm, it was nice. It was in a good location. I got to have a drunk fishman, that I may or may not have done questionable things with. It was fun.

Player housing in WoW could be fun. It could add content and even another profession or two to the game. It could give the other professions a boost. Housing could add even more reasons for people to do older content, raid, pvp, or dungeons. If it is done right , meaning time, effort, and staff is given to it.

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The MoP farm had vastly less customization than the garrison, though. Yet you prefer it.


Blizzard can no longer make content unless it has an alternative purpose. Like torghast had to be for legendaries or islands for Ap.
If we got player housing you just know.we will get a currency for gem sockets for painting a wall

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