What color will your dracythr be?

Anyone who doesn’t choose to be a timey wimey boi is honestly making a mistake.
It’s gotta be bronze.

We need more versions - I’m saying that now because I’m sure it will be asked later.

Can I have a Twilight dragon appearance? Or a purple one? Or possibly white, like the Albino Drake?

Undecided ATM green or blue ATM but it depends

Skittle flavored dragon…i mean color. Wait, this isn’t a food thread?

:dragon: :red_circle: :orange_circle: :green_circle: :purple_circle: :dragon: :red_circle: :orange_circle: :green_circle: :purple_circle:



If not rainbow, probably black.



Blue or Bronze? Not sure I’m making one, to be honest. Evoker doesn’t really feel interesting to me.

I really like the color of the twilight drake, for color scheme it is my favorite.

edit: Enchanted Fey Dragon colors would be really good, thought of it after posting.

Red, I think. I have to see it in character creation first to be sure. I plan to heal so technically maybe I should be green, but I really like the red flight. So I guess I will be that one red healer :laughing:

Edit: I do wish there was a tank spec because I know my friend would do a black tank dragon if possible… rip tank/healer combo.

Red White and Blue for me. Nifty!

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I’ve seen purple in their promotional images or maybe it’s more of a violet color. It’s on the promotional site for them. I’ll likely go with that.

Not sure if I am going to play, as someone on the forums recently referred to them as Jar Jar binks


To be fair its an apt comparison.

Are you being fair Oedon?

In dragon form they look weird. Human form isn’t too bad. That’s my fair opinion on them.

They have a human form?

Yeah. It’ll be similar to worgan where you can shift in and out of it at will

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Since it’s a proxy of this boy here, take a guess.

Electric Magenta

From my understanding, Dracthyr were created with a mix of all the aspect colors. With that said, mine will be a mix of blue and bronze.