What color will your dracythr be?

Gonna prolly go with some combination of blue and while. Blue Dragonflight has always been my favourite, and I love the blue Dracthyr in the promo materials, but that white one they show the dance off with is also pretty cool. :slight_smile:

I have always preferred the red and green flights, so likely one of those 2.

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Hard to say. It depends on the day of the week, my mood, the position of the stars, PH level…

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Probably bronze, maybe green. Not red or black, because everyone wants to be with Alextraza or Wrathion. Blue if it turns out to be unpopular enough and everyone apparently wants my choice.

The one that does the most damage/healing.

Neon pink with rgb wings!

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Pink Dragonflight, rise up!



Blue most likely, unless another color strike my fancy during creation of course.

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I like the colours bronze and black so probably both of those. If I play, that is.

I like the models, hope they add some width to the shoulders but otherwise, I think they’re good. Just not sure I’ll have the time or interest when the expac rolls around but both bronze and black look really good.

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the color of 404 not found.

Are you a fan of The Expanse?

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Red,of course. Hey, I like a fire dragon!

Probably bronze. I love the idea of a bumbling time traveler.

Got to be bronze
Oranage is the best colour. Bronze is pretty close to orange.

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When they get druids a green one for sure.

I was thinking Black but have to see all the options.

Druid Dracthyr would be interesting. Would all their forms have a dragonlike appearance?

I’m leaning towards red. Can’t go wrong with a red dragon.

Golden dragon

Rainbow color. I do not need to set my self to your one color standards.