What color should I make my dracthyr?

Blue seems logical and tempered.
Black is edgy and cool.
Red is full of life and passion.
Amber isn’t worried about the future.
Green likes nature and nature accessories.

Decisions, decisions.


Go black and full edgy emo. Give those Void Elves some competition.

Deathwing did nothing wrong!!

Is lasagna a color?
cuz im making lasagna rn <3


Where do you live? I’m coming over for a slice.

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I currently live right where I am, but if I go over there then that’s where I live!
Also I don’t think this lasagna is gonna turn out well…

Besides… I foresee a burnt mouth in my future…

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Green is obviously the best option hands down

I think in solidarity with my love for trolls, I am leaning towards blue.

Trolls can be black.

But my troll was blue.


Great song.
dances to the oldie

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Dark blue.


Don’t some of the dragons of the Green Dragonflight live in a troll temple? Temple of Atal’Hakkar?

Black because as you said, It’s edgy and cool

Pink, because they’re endangered.

If you go with Black and Cerulean like me, 1. you get both the edginess and a troll tribute, and 2. you can haunt Loch Modan as a lake monster with me and eat all of the yummy dwarfs you catch…

Nessie swimming in Loch ModanNessie swimming in Loch Modan
The ones that come in bronzebeard+dark-iron pairs in February are especially sweet and succulent! :woman_beard: :fork_and_knife: :dracthyr_no2:

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No! Go plain vanilla white :white_large_square:. How else are you going to be able to cosplay as Nall from Lunar…plus, we seem pretty rare so far.
Nall from Lunar The Silver Star

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You spoony bard.

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I picked black to make my character the same color as Anduin’s boyfriend

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