What class/race are you boosting?

Likely none.

The only class I would use it on is the only one that I cannot: Shaman as Alliance. What a bore & struggle they are.

I have a feeling pve servers are gonna be a lot more popular this time around,

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probably a taruen druid and a undead priest.

Prob Druid. I hate leveling them more than any other class.

I guess druid or warlock, on alliance. Depends on what the price tag is.

I’m enjoying making gold on retail, and battlenet balance is probably the best thing to spend it on. So I’ll do the paid boost if I can buy it with that, but I’ll also be buying the D2 remaster and a character clone to classic that way.

Tauren prot warrior baby, just like back in da day!

Female gnome warlock, complete with pink pigtails and the Guild Master of Boost Back Better. Still deciding on an appropriately clever boost-based name.

I do go outside I have a job outside in fact

Finest kind.

Farming Class or Nelf Druid. If the guild I’m in flops I’ll just switch to alliance + Nelf Boomkin form looks a lot better than Tauren Boomkin. If not then I’ll just boost a mage or hunter to make some gold.

I regret playing warrior and paladin in classic. Priest is much better, and rogue is a more fun dps to play.

I wanted to play arms and prot as I like the typical warrior fantasy. Got disappointed in classic that those are not welcome. The respec doesn’t help as it gets expensive very fast.

I will play mostly pvp in TBC, so I will do rogue, mage, and priest. Depends on the price of the boost. I would do another priest.

This is misinformation. It is not. Any person who progresses a character to TBC, to play TBC, will have the one time option to purchase a level 58 boost. It is limited to one boost per account.

I was being facetious.

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