What classic item you want to be re-made in hd?

Baby Blizzard Bear

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/cute bear noises.

Gorehowl, I know it already has an updated model due to WoD. Melee specs were actually supposed to get it as a legendary but it was scrapped for the ring I guess.

It’s one of my favorite weapons in lore along with Ashbringer, also wish we could get the original corrupted Ashbringer from vanilla Naxx in an updated form

The Tier 1-3 sets. Can you imagine how good they’d look now? Wouldn’t mind seeing T4-5 get a remake too. Wrath Tier even, and the weapons from all of those. Ooh, and the Sunwell Sets with the weapons. They’d look amazing now too.


Honestly I’d like more of the skimpy models to be remade and done with the actual intent of being skimpy. Saltstone set. Jade set. Black mageweave. Cindercloth. Etc.

Cloth and plate had wonderful skimpy mogs, but none of them had ever been brought back up to date, and it makes me sad.


The Acherus plate set. With physics and weights.


Tier 2 armor sets.


For me the old pvp mail set, epic quality.
The only time they actually did a good job with a mail set.
On a side note I like the warfront epic too but the old pvp stuff yells WARCRAFT.

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The hunter staff from mc item questline.
The axe from cthun
Many and most Capes from classic era, especially lighter shades in particular fabrics should have physics effects which cause excessive shadowing when the slider is maxed.

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The maps of Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. Every zone, every tree, every critter.


Judgment. Just judgment.

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Sulfuras. n

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I want to add stormherald. They re-released it back in mists, but it didn’t get a HD update really.

Every single tier set from classic. All of them are awesome. The mounts too.

The artwork really went downhill after TBC :frowning:

Glaives of Azeroth.

There’s two Pally sets I’d Love to see remade.
Wrath Tier 8 Aegis (with a decent pants option)

Cataclysm Season 11 PvP

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This, had it on my original priest on my original Account, got it in classic again! Would love to wield it again in retail.

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