What classes need buffs? (11/08/24)

Which is the reason why I am against spec based views. It does show us what DPS spec is the strongest of a class, if there are multiple similar specs. But it doesn’t show us if a spec is really too weak!

But no matter what, WW is too weak, as there isn’t another DPS spec in that class, they might could have picked, because its stronger.

Same for DH or DK → Frost and Unholy are both bad for top ratings!

WW needs its buttons to do damage again, FSK needs to have the 10sec nerf they put on in beta reverted (literally made zero sense).

Needs a utility rework on top but that only ever happens when you get talent reworks. Though if any spec is in desperate need of new and actually useful pvp talents, it’s WW.

The ice mage’s ease of play, compared to the arcane, may motivate more people to play it, even if the arcane is better if played correctly.

This example should always be taken into account when analyzing the number of players of each specialization.

Ww is literally fine, just get hands.

Its not, just get a brain or play another class like Frost Mage to realize it.

I checked yours and despite my spec is bad currently, I am higher! :slight_smile:

But if you really want a rating war with someone, whisper Dorito. He says the same about WW!

What rating you at? o:

Of course, of course. Just hidden, yep?

I am from EU obviously. But like I said:

Calling a general consensus of the player base swarm intelligence is disingenuous at best. One way to combat that argument would be to display BM as a separate data set instead of Hunter minus SV (you didn’t address that in your post).

You’re side-stepping the point. You’re not making a data of classes. You’re making a mixed data set of specs and combined classes. Data is meant to be objective and needs the same criteria across the board.

Given those parameters, you’re either doing one of things.

  1. you’re exhibiting bias and manipulating a data set to support whatever narrative you want to display.

  2. You haven’t done much research like this before and do not understand the importance of having the same criteria for each subject across the board when making a comparison.

So you’re either biased and are trying to put your finger on the scale when presenting this “data”. The other possibility is that you simply didn’t know that displaying this in the manner that you did would not be objective.


From EU where WW is out performing destro by a lot??

RSK, which is traditionally are hardest hitting ability, does maybe 500,000 on stars aligning; that’s about 7% of current health levels, when usually it’s closer to 20% health levels.

WWs dmg has a lot to do with splash and nothing to do with single target pressure.
Nothing that it has is particularly hard hitting.
Ypu could get a bit of a mini burst in conduit after spending 40+ chi, but that’s quite a lot of rotation to get to that point.

I mean the ww’s ive played against this season in 3’s have all cranked, I just dont think ww has a meta comp right now is the issue + with rogue/feral being really good right now. Obviously ww is gonna suffer a little bit. Much like destro and even kind of like aff now, the meta seems a bit unfriendly to a lot of classes. Does that mean we just throw buffs at a lot of stuff or bring the s tier stuff down.

What’s your mains name anyway, since we’re both EU. :)))

I changed the title to make clear, it is not a great data presentation for nerfs but what classes don’t have a viable DPS (& Heal) spec and need therefore buffs.

Most urgent buffs for DPS are needed for DK, Monk and DH. Most urgent buffs for Healer are needed for Rshaman and Rdruid. Nothing else does that data presentation show!

And just for your information:

And a lot of fights have zoo levels of pets now so their splash is making it look more impressive than it is.
Strike of the wind, whirling, fist, dance, all abilities that hit multiple targets, even blackout if you have the talent for it.

one thing to notice here is that this fellow warlock is a warlock. Actually one of the very few if only classes where ww is actually really good into so take his takes with a grain of salt


Augmentation doesn’t exist in any capacity above 2400, atleast on the competitive arena game mode side of Solo Shuffle and 3v3.

It is the most underperforming spec in the game, and it stems from lack of offensive output.

Nerf dire beast damage significantly. That’s the appropriate fix for bm, imo. Db, fenryr, and hati damage is what’s keeping overall pet damage high despite bloodshed + kc spam not being used any more. Put some (but not all) of this damage into cobra shot. This will reduce the overall high consistent damage from pets following you around, reduce overall damage, but still keep it a playable spec that functions similarly to sl venthyr bm.

For marks, remove the bell tolls talent from dark ranger, make it a baseline effect of black arrow, and replace the talent with the overwatch talent (20% aimed/rf damage). Nerf withering fire for marks by 75% or more, and give it the old withering fire effect as a choice node against the new withering fire. This more or less takes marks back to where it was before the rework, and makes what would be the problematic effect a bad decision to take in PvP because of the significant PvP nerf.

There you go. Hunter fixed.

I dream of the day Aug is back to launch levels of power

I have a details that shows black arrow doing double the next highest dmg and the next 3 sources combined barely beat black arrow.

BM shouldn’t be doing nearly that much dmg for a non beast skill honestly

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