What classes match Kul Tiran vibes?

I liked the Kultiran shaman too but also I think their hunters are underrated!

They have amazing falconers which is pretty unique to them. Also their bond with their horses feels in line with a hunter to. They are more of a survival hunter because they have to be resourceful and learn off their lands.

Not to mention how many stories they have about the great beasts that roam their lands and the tragedies surrounding them. I feel many people of Kultiras would want to be trappers / hunters and tell their tells to add to the legends.


Honestly, if you play with transmog a bit, I feel like you can make KT match any class.

I’ve a sea-hunter and a tidesage-ish shaman.


No class matches them, but the profession cooking does.

Just cook all day you fat #^

There is also a proper cloth cosmetic tidesage set. Super rare drop from mythic shrine of the storm. Here modelled by my not KT priest :stuck_out_tongue:


Warriors and rogues imo.

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Druid, Shaman, Hunter would be top 3 imo.


Outlaw (Pirate) Rogue > (Sea Admiral) Warrior > Druid > Other rogues

The rest aren’t really a good fit, even Shaman/Priest, though they are more fitting than the other classes.


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Seconded. Those are the classes I feel like really match the lore and aesthetic.

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unfortunately some of the armor looks a bit rought on them but chubby Monks really give off a vibe.

I definitely suggest monk as well as shaman. I also like the hefty older mage vibe too so those 3 are probably my top 3.

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I like my female kul’tiran fury warrior’s yell sounds in battle.

I just looked up what was datamined. Guess I’m gonna be running out of the trading tender if the stuff actually gets added in, cause that’s a lot of nice stuff. Thankfully I stockpile my tender every now and then cause some months don’t have anything I really want

Druid, Shaman, or Warrior.

That’s the way to do it really, lot of neat stuff seems to be coming. Whether it all makes it in we’ll see I suppose lol

Yeah. The past 2 months I just haven’t liked anything on the trading post. So if all that stuff does indeed get added, I’m able to get it. Heck, I’ve had The Dreadwake mount frozen for a minute at this point, might have enough to get it alongside the rest if the items get added.

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All my characters are Kul Tiran. If you go the drust route, you can make warlock, druid, hunter, shaman and even warrior fit. For tidesage vibes I have a shaman and frost mage. If you want to go just the citizen route there is warrior, monk, rogue, hunter. For pirate/brawler you could do warrior, rogue or monk. They are very versatile, I love them so much. They just badly need more customization.


I agree. I wish there was also an option to pick whether your Kul Tiran is skinny or big. Given the fact it seems like 90% of the Kul’Tiras population are skinny. Plus, the Proudmoores, Waycrests, and Stormsongs are skinny. I wouldn’t mind having body type options for the Kul Tirans. I’d 100% likely make a Kul Tiran mage for a tidesage if I could make her skinny (cause I haven’t seen a single big bodied tidesage), but right now I’m just saying my regular human mage is a Kul Tiran

outlaw rogue

That was always my intent kind of with the Kul Tiran allied race, but I admit it was probably a bad idea from the get go. Should have had some other race and just had big humans sometimes or maybe added ogres. Yes I know nobody will ever believe that it was my idea because I can’t prove it.

I’m confused on why we got Kul Tirans as an allied race admittedly. Cause they are still human. They could’ve been added as like a body type option for the human race, along with adding the shaman and druid class to humans with the Kul Tiran forms and totems. Then again, they probably wouldn’t have had any option for an allied race since for the Horde we got Zandalari Trolls (which i don’t play at all, I kinda never liked the Zandalari, I stuck to my Darkspear)

Zandalari could have been not an allied race too in that case, and the loa blessings just shrines you visited that only worked while on their island for anyone to use or just trolls maybe. But yeah. Honestly I just wanted to make a big human and make allied races and just lumped them together.