What ''classes'' does a Warden or Watcher encompasses?

Don’t worry, it’s not TM yet! c:

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In the news post when they announced Maiev as a Rogue hero in Hearthstone they specifically said the Rogue class in WoW was directly inspired by the Warden hero in WC3. Rogues have a blink in the form of Shadowstep, Fan of Knives which was a Warden ability, and Shadowstrike which was a Warden ability that was described as hurling a poisoned dagger at their target.

They then preceeded to give everything cool about the Warden class fantasy to DHs instead because they needed a shiny new class to sell their latest expansion and left us Rogues to rot in that regard.

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DH’s got nothing in common with wc3 Wardens. Theres still room for development and expansion.

A survival hunter can do a good job of simulating the feel of what I would imagine one would feel like, even without direct ability mimicry.

A mix of melee and range, with good mobility, traps, can even throw chakrams, though that isn’t a meta choice atm. Give yourself a warden owl for cunning, a nightsabre for ferocity, and a hippogryph for tenacity and you have as reasonable an imitation as anything else.

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More like bat-sh**t insane. After all she tried to convince Malfurion that Tyrande was dead.

Its part of her charm

How and where to get the quest please