What classes do you think Worgen look the best as cosmetically?

I’m trying to decide on a class to race change to Worgen. Just feels weird not having one at all, but I can’t decide on WHAT class I think they will look the best as. Warrior and Rogue keep coming to mind, with a nod to Druid too. But then I also wonder if they look too silly in plate armor or doing ninja stuff.

What do you fine folks think? :wolf:


I say Druid looks really cool! The closest one behind druid will be rogues! Leather on Worgens look pretty amazing!


rogue. Hunters also not bad imo

druid kinda feels off to me, their cat form should’ve been a wolf.


Druids and warriors. Preferably anything you can hide a helm or hide your form. If it doesn’t have a normal neck and head then nothing will look good on them when it comes to the helmet.

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Just know this, Tricorne Hat (leather) doesn’t hide your hair as a Worgen as it does with all other races.

I’ve seen some great looking Worgen warriors! (Minus the helmet but… The same can be said for Tauren.)

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Worgen monk Worgen monk Worgen monk Worgen monk Worgen monk Worgen monk Worgen monk Worgen monk Worgen monk Worgen monk Worgen monk Worgen monk Worgen monk Worgen monk Worgen monk :dog:



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Jerauld’s Puppy Warrior looks snazzy with a Sword and Cane combo!

The Tricorne Hat that doesn’t eat your hair.

Hunter, rogue, warrior.

I like Worgen for Hunter, but it looks a little weird to me when they use bows and guns.

Worgen monk should be a thing .
The Animations are already in the game .


I had a great time with this worgen warrior. The tmog makes him look like a feral worgen and it was quite fun leveling him up.

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Druid, rogue, hunter

Warrior worgens are rather cool.

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With druids, they fulfill their wish of getting a tail. :yum:

That armor looks familiar… Thats it Im suing Blizzard for stealing my look.

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I think male worgen look really cool as warriors. They have big shoulderpads and a nice posture, reminds me of orcs in lots of ways. :100:

I really don’t like the female worgen model…way too dainty, so not sure what looks best with them…i don’t like the way their wolf models look in some of the more elegant cloth dresses/robes, but i guess they look nice in leather - so i guess rogue or something lol