What classes do you think Worgen look the best as cosmetically?

True Story;

I really only play Horde, but I wanted to get the Gilnean Raven pet, so I rolled a Worgen and got it.

That’s not the point of this; so playing as a Worgen in the Wolf Form, I found the walking animation to be, well not great. Just something about the back of their legs when walking reminds me of a Chicken or some other form of Poultry.

I AM NOT INSULTING WORGEN PLAYERS; just wanted to comment that to me anyway, the Worgen walking animation looks off. Do you Alliance main players also think the animation looks off or is it just me?

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Warriors, though they don’t need weapons.

druid pvp sets from mop on worgens are always my favorite :kissing_heart:


Also no.

I can’t find a decent transmog in Leather for my Worgen.

i chose mine to be a lock and was planning on going venthir so i could be a warewolf-warlock-vampire.

Hunter! No question about that!

A lot of lock sets look pretty good on Worgen.

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You are not alone. I feel that way too. That’s why i prefer to play female worgens. I have one male, but I do not use him often.

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I used Forsworn gear to make my Worgen Holy Priest less of an obvious target in battlegrounds.

With fumigator mask.

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I like my Druid worgen a ton, fastest on the field as far as healer goes and so much fun to run flags and taunt people in PvP! Not as good for PvE as NE though so you kinda need to like PvP to get their best feel imo… I transmog a moon on his head (because werewolf) and those big Pandaria shoulders with the spider trying to eat the butterflies! Looks great because you really get to appreciate the details, and I believe either using leather pants that look torn up by default or hide their knees with a skirt, because the cleaner it looks in human form, the worse it looks as a worgen.

Having said that I do have him currently in a mixed set for ‘travel worn veteran’ look… but that also feels ‘right’ in leather.

Female Worgen running/walking looks off. Tail would help but the animation is odd. Hopefully the Dracthyr can show blizzard how to animate it better.

Personally I’d say warlock. Always thought Worgen warlocks were super cool looking

They’re essentially a cursed human wielding curses

Plus it’s kinda cool to use drain soul and pull someone’s soul into your razor sharp claws

Hunter, Rogue, or Warrior.

Hunter, warlock, druid. I’ve seen some amazing dk and warrior too.


I think their snow white fur with their snow white Lunarwing is awesome. And that’s exactly what I did with my worgen Druid.

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Death Knight looks pretty awesome.

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Anything in plate, just look at me in all my glory :stuck_out_tongue: (Well if you can, looks like profile page is having a fit at the moment.)

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Fury Warrior while in their Heritage armor. I just wish they could use their claws with invisible fist weapons.

Really play off that enraged theme. Howling, jumping around, going berserk.

IDK, but I’ve got the simplest all white skin Mage with Blue gear(no head, shoulder or cape) and it is my favorite looking toon. The white fur is the best looking Worgen IMO.