What class will your high elf be?

Which was retconned in WoW, considering that we see old High elven ruins in the Ghostlands that also red. The idea that the Blood elves, while struggling on the brink of survival took the time to repaint the whole city (even the ruins) red, is such a laughable one, it almost reminds me of your “alleria’s voice doesn’t have an echo” argument. Lazy, and unconvincing. Funny that you just vanished after that show of stupidity.

This change had nothing to do with their “name” either, High elves have always had a deep, unquenchable thirst for mana, and power. We’ve seen examples of ruthless High elves like the one who betrayed Quel’thalas, we know the High elves of Allerian hold siphoning magic from Draenei relics, this isn’t something new, or unique to Blood elves. We’ve seen neutral High elves act in the same way, like the High elves of Quel’lithien lodge who also left over their disagreement on siphoning magic, and yet were seduced by a relic of great magic and turned into wretched.

They didn’t have the luxury to “reject any faction” as evidence by many of the early quests in the Blood elf zone that revolve around their reliance on the horde forces to not be completely overwhelmed by the Scourge. The only reason they even join the Horde is because Sylvanas, their Ranger general reaches out to them.

That does not reflect any cultural shift, that reflects their need for help in order to survive.

Except they embraced an entirely different culture over their own, their “conservative” attitudes were an outlier compared to the majority of the High elven population. The high elves as a race officially left the Alliance, and cared very little for the dealings of man, while a minority group remained. These “minorities” don’t better reflect High elven society than the ruling majority, who consist of the Blood elves. Which tells us that the Blood elves reflected the views of the majority of High elves, so their choices best align with what traditional high elves would have done in their position.

If Arthas’ attack never occured, Alliance high elves would have been an outlier in high elven society, and not the best reflection of how the High elves as a people think, or behave.

Alliance High elves do not practice High elven traditions, they do not wear High elven clothes, they are not given High elven voice lines, heck Alliance High elves don’t even procreate with other High elves. Elisande goes over this in front of Suramar, essentially telling them that their behavior is a disgrace to their namesake, and that they are not worth of the name “High elf” which pretty much summarizes my point.

No, it isn’t, especially when no actual traditions are changed. Blood elves changed their names to honor the Fallen High elves, not as a departure from who they are. Void elves on the other hand changed their names to reflect their new affiliation with the void. They are the ones who changed the color of their crest, and scheme of their entire race.

They have different names for “gameplay” purposes, but they are exactly the same. We see Kul’tiran women and men who look identical to generic human males and females. The name “Kul’tiran” reflects a whole different set of beliefs unique to their nation, while the name “Blood elf” merely honors their fallen.

This idea that “Alliance” High elves are the truer High elves makes so little sense when you take into consideration how the High elves behaved before the attack. By your logic, all the High elves who left the Alliance and returned home were “less” High elven than those who decided to remain behind, despite representing only a paltry number of High elves in comparison. Blood elves are the remaining High elves that returned home, who’s opinions, and views aligned with the majority of their people.


And where are the Allerian High elves? Probably the best example of traditional High elves from before Arthas’ attacked Quel’thalas. Why is it the very next time we see this group they’re with the Blood elves at the Sunwell, with their leader “Auric Sunchaser” referring to both Blood elves and High elves collectively as the “children of silvermoon” while calling for both groups to come together and rally behind the Sunwell. Auric even refers to himself, Lor’themar, and Rommath as his lords, while using the term “us” to count himself among sharing in their goals for their people.

In fact, one of the High elves of Outland actually joins the Blood elf Scryers by the name Astromancer Darnarian, who can be seen wearing their uniform. It almost seems like they related closer to the Blood elves, than they did to the Alliance High elves.

Why didn’t they join Alleria with the Void elves either? Or show any kind of similar kinship that we saw at the Sunwell? That’s right, because unlike standard Alliance High elves, the Allerian High elves were still deeply devoted to their people, and their traditions, especially the Sunwell (Which the Wow encyclopedia describes as the central part of High elven culture.) The void elves culture, and views are so far departed from their past as High elves that

If you honestly try to argue the idea that Void elves are closer to High elves than Blood elves, than you’re in some serious denial.


It really doesn’t matter if they Void High Elves or High Elves now. It’s a Mag’har Orc/Sand Troll/Wildhammer/Grimtotem Tauren etc. situation with subraces within one race. The Alliance got High Elves now and the Horde-players need to accept the fact that they lost the four year long struggle.


“High Elves have no class”

My two cents.

This doesn’t add up. At the very least there are enough High Elves to form a reasonable faction within Dalaran. Remember that this is a capital city and, despite game proportions, requires an entire ruling body to govern it.

The Void Elves are literally made up of the researchers who went to study the void with one man at the helm. The High Elves comprised 10% of the survivors (which was 10% of the original, thereby being 1% of the original). Unless you’re saying that at least 10% of the Blood Elves broke off to study the void, then it’s functionally impossible for there to be more Void Elves.

This has been covered plenty, the population argument was yeeted out the window by Blizzard themselves.

what does dalaran have to do with the alliance


those elves are neutral and have chosen neutrality just like the kirin tor and are free to come and go as the please from quel’thalas still. even whatevers left of the tiny SC militia still feel obligated to defend their homeland and maintain strong bonds with the farstriders

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The Kirin Tor has, by and large, sided more often with the Alliance than the Horde. In fact, if you recall, there was a massive discussion about whether or not the Horde would even be allowed in Dalaran. Both expansions that it was the capital, too, actually.

The Kirin Tor is neutral in the way that Theramore was neutral. Sort-of-vaguely-but-not-really.

theramore was never neutral. horde mages dont start friendly with them

nor can i choose to live there and become a citizen if it still existed

you know the blood elves helped rebuild dalaran and have their own district too right?

i can just go there on my horde darkspear troll and interact with the high elves there in the same capacity as your stormwind human. have a ‘high elf’ repair my armor or serve me a drink. this place is totally neutral like theramore was

A Mage; the original class for my people since our journey across the great ocean.

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Lorewise. Gameplay and lore are not the same thing. Jaina was always “amenable” to both sides when it suited her. Theramore didn’t allow the Horde in, but it refused on most occasions to be used as an Alliance outpost.

In essence she wasn’t Horde or Alliance, even if she allowed Alliance to move about in her city. She was not politically allied with us.

You know that Jaina tried to kick them out when she found out they’d betrayed her, right? She was, in fact, the head of the governing body at the time. It’s not like she was just some rando - she was one of the people who actually had the power to say so.

In fact you were only let back in because of a global crisis.

The Sunreavers are Blood Elves. The Silver Covenant would rather you not be there at all, considering they were assisting Jaina in the removal of the Sunreavers. The fact that you can go there is entirely down to the Sunreavers, and the agreement that it was a necessary neutrality - that doesn’t mean they’d have done so if there was no pressing reason.

Troll beards … ugh this is exhausting high elf players are the most annoying WoW players I swear.


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My blonde alliance elf at this point will likely be a priest

Mage for me.


and she was bye feliciad when she refused to let them back in. she even regrets that decision now. the purge was haunting her as we saw in BFA

she went on a solo legion killing spree while the SC spent the expansion working closely with the farstriders(no surprise). and the sunreavers were helping to defend dalaran as this blue eyed sunreaver shows

and now khadgar is in charge. hes as neutral as it gets. he will always be pushing for the alliance and horde to work together and will set dalaran as the example

isnt that weird how the SC only appears in dalaran stories with other kirin tor npcs? oh, or with the farstriders. but anyone familiar with the lore of this race knows the SC hate magister types especially their leader. theyre fighting to protect their new home from the same people that they believe betrayed them back in quel’thalas. any elf that sides with them will be treated in the same manner

thats true. i often wondered if aethas stopped the theft of the bell which prompted garrosh to march on quel’thalas, would the kirin tor get involved? probably, and that could have been their in back to their alliance. but dalaran will never side again with the alliance, there is no way they are doing that story again

and dont forget vereesa almost joined the horde after mop

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Dance class

Poor Void Elves have been destroyed. With each customization pass they could have added all kinds of awesome void options. Instead Blizz pandered to the crybabies. I feel bad for the people who actually enjoy being Void Elves and try to advocate for more void options.

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You’re a blood elf. You probably want void elves to look like hideous tentacle monsters.

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Hardcore cope. I’ll be rocking my blonde hair ASAP. I WANT IT NOW!!!

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Being a Blood elf has nothing to do with it. Some of the void options people have suggested in other threads are freaking amazing and I’d be tempted to play one if even some of those options were added.

How so? In all the customization given to Void Elves since their release virtually none of it has been void themed. People push for more void options but it all gets buried under the tantrums of people demanding more High Elf stuff.

And how’s that DESTROY void elves?

The void options are still available and no NEW options have yet to be implemented. These are all recycled assets that have been added to void elf options in the meantime

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