What class surprised you?

Whether you ended up loving it or hating it despite what you initially thought, which class was it?

It was a rogue.

He was stealthed and then showed up again, and said “surprise” and then he stabbed me.


This made me laugh harder than I want to admit


Warrior, Arms is too fun. Survival Hunter really surprised me, hated the removal of range SV but its melee counterpart is very satisfying compared to the other two specs.

Butchery and Mongoose Bite are cool, Fury of The Eagle wrecks groups. The spec really peaked my interest.


This happened to me! I thought Fury would be my jam. But I hated the look of the weapons when sheathed, and ending up loving the rotation and feel of Arms way more.


Outlaw Rogue.

Surprisingly fun.


Affliction Warlock.

Enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would.

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Honestly? Monk. The aesthetic definitely isn’t something I enjoy, but the mobility and animations are just fun.


I was surprised by Evoker existing.

I thought they’d learned a lesson from not locking classes to very specific themes (i.e. monk being 50% panda and 50% alcoholism) so they could actually have a variety of interpretations, but instead made a class so locked into a theme that only 1 race can even select it.

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Ah but you can be Horde OR Alliance!

Seriously though, I wish Evoker could be a different race so bad. I know people say “but the lore-” my brother in Neltharion they WROTE THE LORE

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Monk. No idea how Blizz took something as swank as a Brutal Hand to Hand Master and made it so dull and boring.

I’ve tried with over 4 different characters to make Monk work, thinking to myself “Maybe this race will look better as a Monk” only to end up lying to myself.

The class is just weak, boring, and nothing it has makes it any more interesting than watching paint dry. Actually, watching paint dry is more fun than playing Monk.


Not sure about Class, but Survival Hunter surprised me with how much fun it is to play.


Mage. I’m still awe struck by it every time I play it.

i was surprised by how badly they mangled rogue in tww

I’ve been a blood elf for my entire WoW career since TBC. Recently with the faction stuff I decided I could add an alliance to my guild roster and holy hell playing a balance Druid is sooooo fun!! I made her years ago when I first started playing but never touched her. She’s finally getting some use all these years later lol


What class surprised you?

The Rogues. They are always jumping out from behind some bush scaring the hell out of me.


dracthyr evoker

i never seen myself playing it until i found the right mog and the right colour i surprisingly adore

also im bad at playing it despite low number of buttons compared to other classes but it only increase my interest coz how different it is

Windwalker monk- the burst is second to none. If they were to be given stealth it would replace the rogue.

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Mage. I struggled with clothies until Cata. Then, out of nowhere, I found myself drawn to Mage.

Warrior. I dismissed them as boring for many many years but when I finally played one it was AMAZINGLY fun. One of my favorite classes now.