What class surprised you?

Warrior. I remember making one in Cata and really getting into stance dancing. On paper, they seem like a total bore, but once you start playing one, they’re a lot of fun. My pandaren warrior is one of the characters I have leveled the fastest this expansion. Couldn’t put it down and just did one delve after another until max.


Holy Priest has always felt disappointing and I have little faith the upcoming rework will change my mind about anything. People have been talking about the blahness and weakness of Holy Priest since forever, back when I first joined before the 1.10 Priest rework patch where they changed Greater Heal from 4 seconds to 2.5 second cast time.

The opposite: Survival Hunter… I didn’t think I would like it, but it’s fun and satisfying. I’m glad they reworked it. I never understood the point of old Survival and am confused why people liked it so much. It had no identity and just felt… like not even a finished spec.

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That might be the issue, being a paladin and all.

Lol. So you think they got it right this time with the Holy Priest rework?

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I wouldn’t give Demon Hunters the time of day for how many expansions now?
Wanted to check every box.
Made a Demon Hunter.
Demon Hunter is kind of fun.


I plan on maining it for 11.1 - ‘chik’chek’!


No I was making a joke about paladins and faith lol

not an entire class, but a spec…the current Demo Lock.
I had tried it years ago and hated it with a passion.
Tried it again this past year and the changes theyve made have really made it a lot of fun to play. A lot faster paced than i remember even with all those buttons to press.


Mage. I was always zugzug warrior unga bunga for years. And not just in WoW. I would drag my knuckles and club friend and foe alike in any game that allowed it.

But then Hagrid told me I was a wizard.


Did they uncomplicate it?


When I first started playing I tried one of every class. I actually hated mage at first. I kept dying, wasn’t sure how to do enough damage, I was just a really bad player. :rofl:

I don’t know, something clicked and I just got way better at playing mages. It’s not that the game made it easier to play mages, I think it did in retail, but I even like mages in classic. :partying_face:

Mage is one of my favourite classes, and really surprises me. :man_mage:

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Evoker initially. Was in a BG and got laser’d to death. I had to laugh.

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If monks looked/felt similar to how the monks in D3 were, I’d be over the moon.

Dashing to a target in a flash, blasting them with a flurry of a dozen punches in a fraction of a second, and then smashing a spectral bell to send out a concussive shockwave is dope as hell.

Then you have WoW monks huffing and puffing to try and do the flurry and doing some gymnastic tumbles, and then taking a big swig of beer.

Probably Druid and Paladin. For the longest time I just didn’t play either one, mostly due to the limited race selection for both. Then came the Zandalari and I finally tried them and found Resto Druid and Retadin to be kind of fun.

Hunter, I wanted to hate them originally for the stereotypes from classic but thinking back on it, should’ve been my first class. Range class that’s not as limited by mobility, it’s great.

And they say romance is dead.


Not class, but specs.

Enhance Shaman, first tried it early in SL. Quickly became a favorite.

And Blood DK. I ran a mythic with a Blood DK that was absolutely the worst tank you can imagine, so out of spite, I changed my DK which was leveling as Frost at the time, to Blood, and got KSM with him that season. Haven’t touched another spec on him since.

Arcane Mage. It’s actually pretty fun to play.

Warlock. I played mage as my main for over a decade, but I really enjoy Destruction and Demonology Warlock. Destruction feels like it hits harder than Fire Mage, and Demonology allows me to summon wave after wave of wild imps and explode them everywhere.

Preservation Evoker - I was so sure I’d hate everything about Evokers… granted I do not like Dev or Aug, but I am really impressed with Pres.