What class is necrolord best for?

i know night-fae is best for a good handful of classes, but… if i wanted to go necrolord, what class would benefit most from that covenant?

All DK covenants are balanced within around 1% so we’re pretty good, but Abomination limb is really good for DK, especially for PvP and Mythic+. Also fits the class’ theme the best.

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Shaman if you’re going elemental. It’s good for resto as well.


shaman huh? i guess that kinda makes sense, what with the death-elementals running around…

huh… i heard abomination limb was’nt very good for dks, atleast, when compared to venthyr and night-fae… mind you, i heard that a loooong time ago so… y’know.

druid. you know a good druid when you see necrolord
and arcane mage

After the buff Necro is actually better than NF for resto and guardian. It’s also very good for DK, Shaman and Priest. I think Warriors got a considerable buff but not sure if it’s worth choosing it.

Pvp Warr with necro Banner has some serious potential. I have seen it more and more pop up. So it’s definitely an option.

For Ele, I agree. Necro vs Venthyr is about a 50/50 split for Resto I think.

I have a Warrior I mostly play Fury and a Demon Warlock that are both Necro.

Unholy DK is good as well, as are Brew and Mist Monks.

Necro is the best for everyone :stuck_out_tongue:

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Resto in PVP, not in PVE. There is still pretty much no point where the single targetness (and swapping to damaging enemies) of necro is better in PVE. In PVP when you’re trying to keep one person (and yourself) up, it’s really good.

I don’t know that it’s better for bears either. They still want aoe damage (which means Venthyr or NF), and they don’t really need a HoT. Plus they’re durable enough that the defensive CD isn’t particularly strong.

Plus the campaign is actually really good IMO.

Whoever shared said information with you is wrong. The ability and soulbinds are quite strong.


heard it from a specific british youtuber and his be-spectacled wife. again, it was a loooooooong time ago so… they probably changed it quite a bit since then.

Pretty sure necro druid really only shines in pvp for resto/feral. It’s not very good outside of that in comparison to convoke. It’s obviously way closer than it was before, but yeah. If I’m wrong I’d be really interested to hear why, genuinely.

Oh, sorry, I am a performance-driven player when it comes to covenants.

Though if you look up what shamans originally were in the lore (gul’dan was a shaman) necro makes a lot of sense.

That’s one of the few lore tidbits I know so take it with a grain of salt cause I might not be 100% correct.

Frenzie regen turns into a lay on hands.

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Yeah, it provides single target healing but that’s really it. Convoke can provide healing/aoe healing/damage and it’s most likely better in nearly every situation especially since guardian lacks in damage not survivability.

It does seem like a great choice in pvp tho. Also, it’s totally fine if you prefer it I’m just kinda wondering if there is a legit performance advantage that I’m missing

The destro Warlock seem to be good with necro, if you love spamming incinerate I mean. If you want like mass life steal then well that’s NF

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Makes bear the absolute best progression raid tank by a huge margin.

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I love a necrolord DK in M+
Rogues are good now for it, as well. Serrated bone spike is fun.