What class is each race known for

I’m wanting to play a mechagnome and was wondering what class do they fit into. What class are the other races known for?

Mechagnome is druid

Warrior orc
mage orc
hunter orc
mage orc
warlock orc
rogue orc
deathknight orc
paladin orc
shaman orc
evoker orc
monk orc
demonhunter orc
priest orc


Human mage
Dwarf mage
Gnome mage
Night elf mage
Draenei mage
Worgen mage
Void elf mage
Lightforged mage
Dark iron mage
Kul tiran mage
Mechagnome mage
Orc mage
Troll mage
Tauren mage
Undead mage
Blood elf mage
Goblin mage
Highmountain mage
Zandalari mage
Nightborne mage
Mag’har mage
Vulpera mage
Pandaren mage
Dracthyr evoker


If Tinkers were a thing, that.

Since they’re not, probably hunter with mechanical pets.

Look to the WCIII units they had for most of them.


Human Druid
Orc Druid
Trolls Druid
Night Elves Druid
Draenei Druids
Tauren/HMT druid
goblins druids
vulpera druids
pandaren druids
elves druids


Here I’ll give you a non-troll answer:

Night elf - druid
Human - paladin
Dwarf - hunter
Gnome - mage
Draeni- priest

Orc - warrior / shaman
Troll - mage/ shaman
Undead - rogue/ warlock
Tauren- warrior/ shaman
Blood elf - mage

Pandaran- monk
Kul tiran - shaman
Lightforged draeni- paladin
Void elf- priest

The rest is w/e for me.

Mechagnome… Well I hate diaper gnomes, but if I had to say one… I guess Hunter but ideally nothing with magic


Mage for troll? That’s an interesting pick. Any reason?


The voodoo that you do :stuck_out_tongue: ( you could replace it with warlock but I don’t see troll going with fel so I went mage, plus my favorite mage back in the old machinima days was faxmonkey and he was a troll). Bloodlust / time warp reminds me of their racial.

You could say troll warrior too for berserker but I tend to think of them in a more magic way

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Fair enough. Right after I asked, I was thinking of what class represented Shadow Hunters best and… I came up short. So why not Mage.

I know Gnomes and Mechagnomes are known for their mage specs due to having a really high intelligence.

Dwarves are warriors or hunters.
Humans are paladins or priests (high spirit).
Night Elves are Druids.
Not sure about space goats.

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Space Goats I would say Paladin and Shaman.

Paladin. The first Draenei we ever saw was a pally in the BC cinematic.

Human - Warrior or Paladin, possibly Mage or Rogue.
Martial-like classes work well for humans thematically, but so does mage.

Night Elf - Druid, Priest, and Hunter
Druid fits, of course. Then there’s the Sisterhood of Elune and the Sentinels for the latter two.

Dwarf - Hunter, Warrior, Shaman
Dwarven Mountaineer is a WoW staple, as is the Mountain Thane which is basically Warrior. Shaman for Wildhammer dwarves.

Gnome - Mage, Warlock, Rogue
Gnomes have big brains, so big magic. One of the more recognizable non-mechagnomes is a rogue. Kelsey Steelspark.

Draenei - Paladin, Priest, and maybe Shaman.
Draenei Vindicators and Anchorites are just one of those class fantasy deals that’s always recurring. Draenei Shaman too, but less so.

Worgen - Druid, Hunter, Rogue
The Worgen storyline is heavily linked to druidic stuff. Hunter and Rogue play into the whole ‘wolfman with keen senses’ aspect.

VE - Priest, Rogue, Hunter
Shadow Priest specifically, for obvious reasons. Rogue uses shadow magic, and Hunter to lean into that Elven ranger theme.

Lightforged Draenei - Paladin and Priest
C’mon now.

Dark Iron Dwarf - Shaman, Warlock, Mage
Anything with any kind of fire or even bright motif works for these guys. Even the likes of Paladin wouldn’t be too far-fetched thematic wise, as there was a Dark Iron paladin boss in BFA.

Kul Tiran - Rogue, Shaman, Priest.
Pirate thematics. Their whole tidal religion deals either with the element of water or spooky void stuff.

Mechagnome - Hunter, Warrior, Rogue
Anything really works with these guys, but the usage of mechanical pets really adds to their theme. I additionally think that Warrior has the largest access to mechanical transmogs between weapon and shields.

Pandaren - Monk and Rogue
Monk’s obvious, but rogue also plays into the darker qualities of the Pandaren, as seen in the Shado-Pan.

Dracthyr - Evoker, Mage and Warrior
These guys were trained to be warriors, so mastery over physical weapons would make sense. Plus, blue magic is just arcane. It makes sense it’d lend to that mastery.

Orc - Warrior, Shaman, Warlock
Orc Warrior is just another one of those iconic ones, as well as Shaman and Warlock for fairly obvious reasons.

Undead - Rogue, Hunter, Warlock,
Anything dark goes with them, but the Forsaken have that Deathstalker and Dark Ranger theme going on.

Tauren - Shaman, Druid, Hunter, Warrior
You can apply a lot of the various classes to the Tauren and have it be thematically appropriate. They’re just more likely to have that earth connection.

Troll - Shaman, Rogue, Hunter
Shaman are the closest things that players have to Witch Doctors. Rogues and Hunters to Shadowhunters.

Blood Elf - Paladin, Mage, Hunter, Rogue
Blood Knights are iconic, but Blood Elves get a ton of attention along the lines of the other classes. Sunreavers, Farstriders, and so on.

Goblins - Rogue, Warlock, Warrior.
Rogues for obvious greedy reasons. Goblins are said to be way stronger than they look, hence why Booty Bay Bruisers pack a punch.

Nightborne - Mage
I can’t think of the last time I saw a Nightborne NPC that wasn’t a mage in some capacity.

Highmountain Tauren - Shaman, Hunter, Warrior
Big elements, big eagles, big antlers.

Mag’har Orc - Warrior, Shaman, Hunter
Different clans for different classes, really. But you can’t go wrong with those three.

Zandalari Troll - Paladin, Druid, Hunter
Zandalari Prelates are strong case of racial thematics. Druid and Hunter for the whole “loa” or dinosaur-taming tie-ins.

Vulpera - Rogue, Hunter, Monk
Rogue fits to a T, for how crafty they are supposed to be. Anything that’s quick on its feet, I would imagine.

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So, that was a lie.


Funnily enough when you go onto character creation if you click each race than it defaults to the one that the class is most known for.


Human: paladin, warrior
Kul Tiran: shaman, druid
Night Elf: druid, rogue (Warden)
Void Elf: (shadow) priest, warlock, rogue
Dwarf: hunter, warrior, shaman (Wildhammer)
Dark Iron Dwarf: warlock, shaman
Gnome: mage, tinker (we will get it eventually)
Mechagnome: hunter (mechanical), tinker
Draenei: priest, paladin, mage
Lightforged Draenei: paladin, (holy) priest
Worgen: rogue, druid

Orc: warrior, warlock, shaman
Mag’har Orc: shaman, warrior
Troll: shaman, hunter, priest
Zandalari Troll: shaman, priest, druid (dinomancer)
Tauren: warrior, hunter, shaman
Highmountain Tauren: warrior, hunter, shaman
Undead: death knight, rogue
Blood Elf: mage, warlock, paladin, hunter
Nightborne: mage, druid (we will get it eventually)
Goblin: rogue, tinker
Vulpera: hunter, rogue

Pandaren: monk
Dracthyr: evoker
Earthen: shaman, warrior

When I click on the mechagnome creation, the first class that is selected without me touching anything else is warrior. I never noticed that each race has a class pre-selected when you first go to make it. I think you’re right in that that is the default Races class.


I think warrior is the default when the race isn’t specifically known for anything in particular. If we ever get something like a Tinker class than I imagine the gnomes and possibly the goblins will start switching to that.

you da goat fr

I know mechagnomes are horrible at transmogs But I still want one as a tank. So I’m not sure if I should roll a Warrior, a monk, or make another death night, which I have no problem making another one. I guess my question at this point is which of those classes has the best shot at a decent transmog set.