What class is each race known for

Glad I’m not the only one who still struggles to spell their name after all these years.

All of them probably have some decent looks you could scrape together for a mechagnome with some work, the one I am am wearing for instance is one I have liked for my monk and like to believe it looks alright.

I have the belief that tiny and beast races look better in lighter armour, cloth and leather, than they do mail and plate.

I’ll give a serious answer, based on what I know from lore and personal belief.

Humans:Paladin/ Priest/ Warrior/ Mage/ Possibly Rogue given the importance of SI:7.


Gnomes: Rogues/Mage/Warlocks/Priests

Night Elves:Druid/Priest/Hunter/Rogue/Mage



Dark Iron Dwarf: Warrior/Warlock/Mage/Shaman/Paladin/Hunter.

Lightforged Draenei:Paladin/Priest/Mage/Warrior

Kul Tiran: Druid/Shaman/Warrior/Hunter

Mechagnomes: Mage/Warlock/Hunter/Rogue

Void Elves:Warlock/Mage/Priest/Rogue/Hunter


Tauren: Warrior/Hunter/Druid/Shaman/Paladin

Troll: Hunter/Shaman/Druid/Rogue/Priest

Undead: Priest/Rogue/Death Knight/Mage/Warlock

Blood Elves: Mage/Warlock/Paladin/Hunter/Priest

Goblin: Rogue/Warlock/Warrior/Hunter

Highmountain Tauren: Hunter/Warrior/Shaman/Druid

Mag’har Orc: Warrior/Shaman/Hunter

Nightborne: Warlock/Mage/Priest/Rogue

Zandalari: Paladin/Druid/Shaman/Priest/Hunter

Vulpera: Rogue/Hunter/Shaman

Pandaren: Monk

Dracthyr: Evoker.

Orc better

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I really like the idea of mechagnome priests.

That they could use the light to empower their machine limbs like a battery. And that their limbs could enhance the light too when they cast spells.

It’s like how the Draenei used crystals… the gnomes could use metals.

Orc: Warrior, Shaman
Tauren: Shaman
Troll: Um, Rogue, Hunter
Undead: Shrug
Goblin: Shrug
Night Elves: Druid, Priest
Human: Paladin, Mage
Dwarves: Hunter
Draenei: Shrug.
Gnome: Shrug
Blood Elves: Ranger

I knew it was probably wrong and didn’t care because I knew it waa good enough to get us there :smiley:

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