What class is best with Rdruid/aug

Operative? Functional? Working? Idk man pick whatever word works for you. It doesn’t change that sentence one bit.

I’ve never seen anyone use that term lol. Whatever is going on here is a sad sight.

Wholeheartedly agree.

It has become clear to me that no one wants to iterate on why they believe playing a certain spec is functionally analogous to credit card theft. Probably either because they knew it isn’t the whole time or they tried to type it out and realized how stupid it sounded. Don’t get me wrong, it is still an analogy. However, it is a poor one and is false equivalence at best.

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It is an analogy, just a very bad one.

I never said it wasn’t. I said it wasn’t functional.

That’s what happens when you refuse to just scroll up and read what has already been said. You’re just looking for a fight, and it’s exhausting.

The only parallel that was demonstrated between the two was that both could somehow feasibly be considered “a good time, enjoying yourself at the expense of others”. Correct?

well how do we know that someone stealing credit cards is having a good time?

I don’t wanna go into the criminological breakdown, but as a general rule the people stealing credit cards to get joy from it.

However, can we liken RMP to credit card theft? Or how about arena/pvp in general? People don’t enjoy losing and see it as a waste of time in a rated system, so is winning arenas tantamount to credit card theft?

And you are delusional if you don’t think the vast majority of PvPers hate queuing into Augmentation players. It’s the same as a Prot Pally and it was despised all of BfA and SL. Nobody likes tank like specs in arenas. Quit being obtuse.


you people actually think “be nice to me or you can’t talk to me at all” is an expectation you can wander around sweeping rooms with. snowflakes to the bone


just so we’re clear. apples to oranges is an analogy.

Is this real? People can play whatever the hell they want to play and ask whatever arena question they want to ask on the ARENA FORUM.

If you have a problem with a specific comp, that’s on blizz, not the players.

You’re supposed to represent the entire community…Be better


People can BANTER about ANYTHING they want on THE ARENA FORUMS. If SOMEONE is asking about playing a INCREDIBLY OPPRESSIVE spec/comp I think it’s completely FAIR to give THEM some crap about it. Imagine what a boring soft cookie world this would be if it was full of people like yourself. Why don’t you and op go hang out at super weenie hut junior and sob together. Also EFX does an outstanding job as a community council member, he was if I recall the only council member posting good pvp feedback in the council only forum section.

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He is representing the community and what he is saying is spot on.

I have a few suggestions for you as well but sadly I’m not allowed to post them here. :joy:

People complained about RMP for years and now they’ll complain about this. At the end of the day, it’s up to blizzard to police their meta by nerfing and buffing like they have always done.

If you have a problem with it the door is :arrow_right:

I mean, the same can be said to you, right? If you have a problem with people trashing on these comps the door is :arrow_right:


When someone asks a valid question on the forums, a community council member shouldn’t try to belittle or troll someone for it. They should be held to a higher standard.

These forums have mostly been an echo chamber for people who think they know what’s best when in reality it’s just their opinion and many try to manipulate reality here for their own selfish reasons.

It is not any single players job on these forums to try and dictate what should or shouldn’t be meta. The meta is the meta and no amount of talking can change that, only the devs can change it.

If someone wants to know how to do something pvp related, this should be a great place to ask but sadly it isn’t because people think they can somehow force people to not play a comp they’re curious about because said comp is “cringe”

There’s a reason people rarely come here to ask questions anymore and posts like this one make it easy to see why.

“Community forums work best when participants treat their fellow posters with respect and courtesy”


Exactly! It’s both disrespectful and discourteous to ask about such godawful arena comps.

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