What casuals dont understand

It very obviously didn’t work…hence personal loot, the ultimate expression of the individual.

I and I alone chose.

Keep your collectivist ideals, I’ll keep my loot. Deal?

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Its not your loot, there were 24 other people involved.

Each of which had as equal of a chance of getting loot as the person who won.

Better luck next time!

Over the years I’ve learned to trust RNG over a handful of oligarchs; the guild leader and their inner circle of course. PL foreva.


It is my loot, it’s in my bag #9tenths

The only thing we shared was the time we had together, for what does anyone truly have but the now?


What I guess I don’t understand is how I could potentially play impeccably, and not even get a chance to roll on a strict upgrade because they decided officer black gets his this week and officer pink the week after that. It’s bad enough that I always lose rolls, but not even roll? Just a “gratz” from me and have a nice day?

I don’t want to be a part of an organization that doesn’t give all present members in the raid who can legit need the roll, good thing it’s a game and not an RL corporation so I should have that option.

I can understand wanting the guy who will use it more to have it, but if that guy really does play more he should have more in the long run anyway. I really do like personal, tradeable loot. That way when I lose, I blame RNG and not another specific player’s RNG. Really helps to kill drama if that was ever an issue.


Personnaly I just miss seeing all the items pop and distributing loot from the boss. Always felt good to do it that way. Sure if you’re new to the guild you might skip your turn first, but any decent guild would still give you gear after or do some type of round robin so not all the loot goes to the same people.

It also means with personnal loot they have created more class/armor stacking to target the loot you want, I personnaly don’t like that it’s basicly encouraged a lot.

It’s a ridiculous concept to apply to entertainment.

There is no social contract that incentivizes Jimmy to put that BIS to work for the community because there are no real or lasting repercussions involved (never have been) it’s a fake world made for frivolity.

What will happen when Jimmy decides he’s burnt out and needs a break? Nothing. What will happen when Jimmy gets poached by a better guild? Nothing. That simple reality makes the idea of meritocracy reward in video games sound farcical and it doesn’t even address the fact that 1 kitted-out BIS-lord can’t carry a raid group anyway.


Crazy how many people’s problems can be solved by taking things into their own hands and making better decisions when it comes to those they want to raid with.

Typical fair use of ML vastly, vastly outweighed the negative and pretty isolated cases of abuse; that should never dictate anything.

Also please for the love of God stop creating perfectly ideal hypotheticals in your head to defend your unwarranted fear of a system you likely rarely had problems with. It’s the worst.


Having a higher ILVL doesn’t usually mean an upgrade.

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Your reality is your own, stop projecting. You can’t change that by attempting to enforce a false narrative.

Everyone is on their own journey and mileage definitely varies.


I wouldn’t say they were isolated. Happened all the time. Loot drama has been a mainstay of MMOs for the longest time, before even WoW.

That said, if folks aren’t going to care about those who did get abused by a loot system, why should we be sad that it’s gone?


Good thing the iteration they removed didn’t require 80% guild to turn it on or anything :slight_smile:


It’s kinda funny that they gave people the choice for all of Legion basicly, and nearly every guilds stayed masterloot.

If there was that much people that wanted personnal loot it wouldn’t have happened that way.

They prob got mad and removed master loot after that totally.

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Made it tough for those who wanted to be in a personal loot guild, because they barely existed.

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Then create your own guild with personnal loot, if there so much people looking for that.

But at mythic raiding level most people liked master loot and still woud prefer it over personnal loot.

The main reason why it got removed at that level is either to nerf split runs because Ion hate them or just for consistancy.


So make your own? If enough people wanted it then it shouldn’t be hard to fill.


The irony in this is absolutely amazing. You’re really going to act as if people in this thread and many others haven’t done EXACTLY THAT to support their own bias?

Please. Don’t use buzzwords you don’t understand, you look like a fool.

Happened all the time? Sure, if something happens consistently it would fall under that. But there’s a difference between something being a consistent occurrence and yet not rampant or really that common at all. Legion brought in the 80% rule to stop both pug groups and guilds requiring pugs to fill out.

At the end of the day there should be some responsibility on the player themselves and if that player can’t cop having just the slightest bit of responsibility, then they probably shouldn’t be in a raid environment. People do care about others getting screwed over by loot abuse, again, that’s why the restrictions on guilds pugging came in Legion, but at some point the buck has to stop.

And if you couldn’t find a guild that fits what you want, not everyone should have to conform to your ideal. That’s childish and immature.


Introverted nobodies like me make horrible guild leaders.

Truth is if it was that popular a lot of guilds would have used it. It wasn’t and still isn’t (at mythic raid level). People just accept it because there’s no other choice.


Someone else’s social issues shouldn’t dictate other people’s experience.

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