What can Blizzard do to make Wow Better?

They can remove names with alt-codes and give more incentives to War Mode PvP.

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Get new blood onto the dev team. Too much stagnation in Irvine, California.

Their biggest problem is the development cadence, it’s unrealistic, forces content/story cuts, and generally does them no favors; but of course the corporate folks don’t see this they only see a fall or rise in salary for themselves.

The entire company should think more in lines of: “How can we make it so players make their OWN content and fun without us having to work triple time to put out far more than we reasonably ever could?”.

No carrot on a stick grind to try and prolong engagement, make the game itself engaging to boost engagement metrics. You know who sticks around longest and engages with the game even after all the instanced content is played out? Roleplayers. They’re also sort of your core audience.

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  1. Remove talent bloats
  2. Remove reputation bloats
  3. Remove currency bloats
  4. Make leveling fun again with challenges
  5. Make professions less silly w/overly complicated nonsense to make something or request something.
  6. Fix those bugs in this game - OMG I’ve never seen so many horrible bugs that just continue to linger by so many people to just be ignored.
  7. Actually, listen to your player base and give them what they want not what you think they want.
  8. Stop trying to be everything to everyone
  9. Stop with this season nonsense

I am sure there is more but this would be a really good start.


It seems to me that one of their big problems is actually their high turnover rate. That’s why they keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again, nobody working on the game was around 5 years ago.


Better tuning of classes that lack potent raid buffs is a start. Some of them need either a brand new raid buff because class design has passed them up (Monks), or things like combat res/bloodlust.

Another is crest catchup mechanisms for when people join late season, or play alts. It takes 90 dungeons currently to cap gilded crests. That’s ridiculous. You may need as many as 900 to max out a character roughly depending on whether or not you crafted as many items as you could, and depending on how lucky you got with mythic track drops. If you mythic raid every week and clear the place (unlikely for 99% of us) you’d get some out of that too which will shorten the grind slightly.

Revert the stops change to m+, change crafted items back to 45 or 60 crests instead of 90 for 636s, start tuning mythic raids out the gate for a wider audience instead of the top 10-20 guilds in the world, etc. THere’s a lot of options here.

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It’s you. It’s always you. Maybe it’s time to move on. The game is what it is, perhaps you need a change of game type to get you excited. Nothing lasts forever, they make the changes that some folks want and other folks don’t find it compelling.

If you have ideas then suggest them, tell them what you want. Otherwise it’s just a waste of breath about how you are bored that most won’t care about. They can’t read your mind, if you don’t know what you want how are they supposed to make it?


As you can see people in this thread have already started making suggestions. Keep in mind I am not a game designer nor computer tech. I have a full time job. It’s up to Blizzard’s development team to figure out how to make the game better. Blizzard has 3,000 employees. It’s those employees job to work on and improve the game. That’s why we pay a monthly subscription. I have made suggestions in other threads. This thread is about everyone else’s opinion. Is Blizzard listening? Probably.

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I would like to see less store mounts, and more achievement mounts.


WoW 2.0 at this point.

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The core dev team that is in charge of the decisions is still the same people, who are just rotating among each other responsibilities. The high turnover is from people who have no hand in creative or design choices.

Bring back Legion artifacts for Mage Tower. I have a few, I don’t care if people have them, but I still want to get some others I didn’t play classes of back then. I don’t have MoP CM sets, but I have the WoD CM weapons. Bring those all back too.

Shut the whole thing down and give it to someone else.

They clearly have no idea what they’re doing with it and have ran out of ideas.

oh yeah the most important thing to make wow better - add murlocs as a playable race for both sides

Blizzard gave me delves so I’m very happy for the most part.

I just want them to make class design interesting instead of weirdly feeling shackled in terms of fantasy.

Hero talents had some neat ideas but did NOT stick the landing for some specs. There have been ppl clamouring for SnS DPS spec, ppl like me who want a Holy Caster RDPS spec, etc.

lower the price pretty easy answer $3 a month

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Stop focusing on Esports and the sweaty players. Go back to the Legion formula. It was the best version of modern WoW.



They already have the cash shop and tokens. Might as well just make wow free to play then. At least players will save some money.

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I think player housing, delves and follower dungeons are all awesome steps in the right direction. On top of that, if it were up to me I’d overhaul the transmog system so you transmog to the slot itself, and not each individual piece of gear along with allowing the professions to make cool transmog sets. I’d also set things up so outside of special events, WQs and world bosses occassionally pop up in the older zones so when you’re passing through there is sometimes something cool to nab.

Lastly, the anniversary event was a bit of fizzle for me and I think they could have done a lot better. For example, instead of tier 2 sets, I would have done new transmog sets, one themed for each of WoWs expansions. I would also have a mount and pet available from each expansion too. That’s a lot of stuff, but come on, the 20 year anniversary should be a big deal! Also, everyone should get a baby murloc just for showing up at least once and the balloons should be colourful instead of drab and depressing. :upside_down_face:


I think the first question to consider is: What defines World of Warcraft? At its core, what makes WoW unique, and what changes can be made without losing its identity?

Once you identify the aspects that are essential to WoW, you can explore what can be improved or added. In my opinion, WoW’s biggest challenge is stagnation failing to adapt to the rapidly evolving gaming market. For a game as old as WoW, there’s a real risk of falling behind what other games now offer.

The key to keeping WoW relevant is balancing its core identity with innovation that meets modern player expectations.