What can Blizzard do to make Wow Better?

I am bored with Wow. The game has always been great, but lately (the last year) I have become bored with Wow. Yeah, don’t bother telling me that I should take a break from Wow. I have done that over several times already and when I return it’s the same old, same old game. Even with the expansions it seems they just add a few little things and give the game a new paint job. Just the same assets.

So, maybe it’s not me. Or the hordes of people that agree with me. Maybe, just maybe, Blizzard should try harder to make changes so as to breath new life into Wow. That’s my opinion. So what do you all think Blizzard could do to make Wow fantastic again?

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Give us a mythic 10 man format. With mechanics that are different from 20 man but its the same raid otherwise.

A tall order but it would be amazing.

It would get me back into raiding at least…


Well announcing Player Housing was a good first step, but how Blizzard delivers it will really be the deciding factor.


More cowbell.


For me, it would be addressing that big box of bugs in the corner labeled “eventually”.

That’s just me tho…



Do a long series of quests to fix up the old areas that were messed in Cataclysm, or fix up all the older areas…


Every interview seems to get across the message that they understand they need to get this right.

Hopefully they can follow through.

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made it so level 11 twinks can carry mythic+10 dungeons! zoom zoom


I want a cow level.

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Actually interact with the player base instead of leaving it to the Community Council…that has either stopped caring, full of themselves, or has quit for various reasons.

Bring back single spec characters. Axe trader’s tender, improve items acquired through trader’s post, but only allow an account to choose 25% of the available rewards each month, thus creating more diversity in the world and making each individual more unique.

I wish the devs would stop creating “wowhead moments”, situations where the player has no reasonable way of understanding a task or system within the game itself.

This is brought about mainly by completely unintuitive systems.

I sure as hell don’t want more tutorial popups though, those are a cheap bandaid for bad game design.


I gotta have more cowbell, baby


They should add more promotional races. Imagine watching an Avatar movie and being able to redeem your ticket to play giant blue cat people.

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Add the Horde back to the game.

With a separate Horde writing team, please.

Idk what to tell you. When I get bored I quit and find something else to do. The game will almost certainly never be “fantastic” again. It was in the right place at the right time for a great run, but times have changed along with all of the paradigms in gaming.


that used to work for me. but this last break i took did nothing. i came back just as butthurt as i was when i left. its frustrating, because i used to love this game. i still do. but at some point i think i have to accept that they arent making the game for people like me. every time i get some hope that it is moving in the right direction (my opinion), they do an about face and go the opposite way. only this time it seems like nobody is that happy

More quest lines with characters we’ll actually meet again instead of devoting whole zones to characters who will never leave said zone.

Especially for the Horde’s cardboard cutout leaders. They need screentime to develop into characters we’re capable of caring about.

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Why would they bother writing disposable Horde characters when they can keep adding tons of new Alliance-themed characters instead, like they keep doing?

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